So I was looking at my avatar image and noticed that mace got turned into a character tag.
I'm guessing because of Mace from Dreamkeepers?
But a mace is also a weapon.
EDIT: Well, I put in general:mace and it cleared it up.
Updated by Halite
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
So I was looking at my avatar image and noticed that mace got turned into a character tag.
I'm guessing because of Mace from Dreamkeepers?
But a mace is also a weapon.
EDIT: Well, I put in general:mace and it cleared it up.
Updated by Halite
There don't seem to be many posts tagged with mace at the moment, could we sort the problem out quite quickly by splitting them into these?
Updated by anonymous
Actually, that's already been done. There's only one dreamkeepers picture tagged as plain 'mace', and I was planning on fixing that.
Updated by anonymous
Problem solved....I think.
Updated by anonymous
Could probably go with Pepper_spray instead of the spray one, and either the weapon, or character one isn't needed, depending on which is the "normal" tag.
Personally I go with weapon, so:
general:Mace (for the weapon)
and if there's other character(s) named mace:
And yes, I know that mace and pepper spray are different things, but in an image they are virtually indistinguishable from each other.
Updated by anonymous