Topic: What format for character tags when same owner has 2 (or more) characters with same name?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

What to do with character tags when same artist has 2 or more characters with same name?

Discovered artist Aaron had two characters both named Justin,
so assumed proper tag style would be
justin_(mouse)(aaron) .

Have noticed only one piece of art with mouse Justin
( post #104209 ) and used edit reason
"used justin_(mouse)(aaron) tag because Aaron has more than one character named Justin."

Used similar "Edit reason" for some uploads of bear Justin: "using justin_(bear)(aaron) tag because Aaron has more than one character named Justin."

but someone else changed character tag to plain justin_(aaron) (with no "Edit reason").

( Example: added justin_(bear)(aaron) to post #1683698 . Including this as is the only rated safe upload of bear Justin )

Wondering if tag of justin_(aaron) is ok,
or if it should be changed back to justin_(bear)(aaron).

If keep as justin_(aaron), then start wiki justin_(aaron) with link to justin_(mouse)(aaron) ?


semi-related question:
If a furson (example: John_Example) has a fursona (let's call them Timmy) that starts off as one species (example: fox), and uploads art of their fox character...
Then at some point decided to change the species of their fursona (example: badger), but keep the same fursona name. (and uploads art of their badger character)

Should the fox version and the badger version get different character tags?


Timmy_(badger)(John_Example) ?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ListerTheSquirrel said:
related question:
If a furson (example: John_Example) has a fursona (let's call them Timmy) that starts off as one species (example: fox), and uploads art of their fox character...
Then at some point decided to change the species of their fursona (example: badger), but keep the same fursona name.

Should the fox version and the badger version get different character tags?


Timmy_(badger)(John_Example) ?

Some people make new characters every year or so, others are long lasting and change over the years. I know a girl who's fursona tends to get a redesign every year or so. Not usually a species change, but it has happened once or twice... hair colors, marking patterns, hair cuts... etc.

At what point does become a new character? Obviously not new hair colors. but new markings? well, maybe, but what's the difference between timmy-with-black0glove-markings and timmy-with-white-glove-markings? Y'know?

The easiest answer is to just leave it all under timmy_(john_example)

Especially since it's likely that they'll be similar in design. If I have a wolf with, say, blue fur and a star pattern... and change to a cat with the sameish pattern... it's likely that anyone looking at wolf-snow would like cat-snow, yeah?


as for an artist with multiple characters with the same name... UGH. If they don't have last names.... UGH.. (sorry, pet peeve. Characters should have unique names...) ... I'd say justin_(bear)_(aaron) ... orrr Justin_the_bear_(aaron)

I dunno. If the mouse is only in ONE picture from 8 years ago.... (He's not. There's at least one more, if you search aaron_(artist) mouse ) then it may be that it's not worth tagging, especially if the artist is, effectively, picking random male names for characters :P Which is fine. A character having a name seems to add to it's attraction, so giving a one time character a name isn't a bad thing, especially if you think you might draw them again.

for the sake of mentioning aaron_(artist) bear seems to have some recurring characters as well, though.

I would normally go through them, but I really don't love that guy's art. I'm a little too lesbian for this, lol. (no offense, it's just not for me)

Sorry I don't have a better answer!

Updated by anonymous

Personally, I like the species being a prefix. Fox_timmy_(john_example) and badger_timmy_(john_example).

Updated by anonymous

The artist valkoinen redesigned their self-titled OC but kept the same name. I think they had an FA submission announcing the redesign literally titled "valkoinen 2.0" or something like that. Failing anything better, that's what I tagged that design of their OC. Just now I retagged all new uploads of that character accordingly. Ugly solution for an ugly problem.


Updated by anonymous

Got a similar issue with Transformers universe and characters named Sparkplug.

Various characters named Sparkplug in Transformers

The character I wandered across is a robot dog from Transformers Animated

(not to be confused with dog from Rescue Bots )

post #301601 was tagged with general tag sparkplug,
have changed it to character tag
(to match one style in reply below)

(I assume Sparkplug_(dog)_(transformers_animated) is a reasonable tag)

SnowWolf said:
... as for an artist with multiple characters with the same name... UGH. If they don't have last names.... UGH.. (sorry, pet peeve. Characters should have unique names...) ... I'd say justin_(bear)_(aaron) ... orrr Justin_the_bear_(aaron)

EDIT: ROBOT ROLL CALL. Gypsy! Tom Servo! Croooooow! (MST3K reference)

Updated by anonymous

ListerTheSquirrel said:
Got a similar issue with Transformers universe and characters named Sparkplug.

Various characters named Sparkplug in Transformers

The character I wandered across is a robot dog from Transformers Animated

(not to be confused with dog from Rescue Bots )

post #301601 was tagged with general tag sparkplug,
have changed it to character tag
(to match one style in reply below)

(I assume Sparkplug_(dog)_(transformers_animated) is a reasonable tag)

Weird that in a seperate continuity also under Transformers Animated there's a construction worker with that name. Do you really think the human is going to be showing up in any artwork, though? I think we can just make the tag sparkplug_(transformers_animated). The human is clearly meant to be Sparkplug Witwicky and if he does show up, we can tag him that.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Weird that in a seperate continuity also under Transformers Animated there's a construction worker with that name. Do you really think the human is going to be showing up in any artwork, though? I think we can just make the tag sparkplug_(transformers_animated). The human is clearly meant to be Sparkplug Witwicky and if he does show up, we can tag him that.

I'm willing to go with assuming the human Sparkplug from Transformers Animated probably won't be uploaded to e621.
Debatable if the human Sparkplug in TransformersAnimated also has family name of Witwicky (classic Sparkplug had dad/American accent, while T.A. Sparkplug has fratboy-speech in one episode and Australian accent in another) ... if i have time will try and find TransformersAnimated at library to watch the Sparkplug episodes for clues.

Updated by anonymous

Bit of tag chaos (seems like could be chaos anyway),
that might require cleanup:

I'm guessing tagger went with *(SPECIES!FIRSTNAME) style for some of these. (as far as i can tell, all below were uploaded by Doggo113 )

(EDIT: oh, and all Doggo113's upload seem to be their own art,
but I can't find their art elsewhere on web (so far)... so I don't have alternate webpages to assist in figuring out better tags)

* * *

meghan(angel!meghan) . . . 3 posts: post #1847007 , post #1843160 and post #1843154 , all uploaded by Doggo113.

mike(reaper!mike) . . . 2 posts: two of the above meghan(angel!meghan) posts.


meghan_brown_(furry!meghan) . . . 11 posts, all also uploaded by Doggo113

meghan_kasai_heruhaundo(hellhound!meghan) . . . 1 post: post #1812405 ... uploaded by Doggo113.

meghan_mediva_robbison(deepsea!meghan) . . . 2 posts (post #1812414 and post #1812413 ), both uploaded by Doggo113

horror!meghan (edge) . . . 1 post(+1 deleted) (post #1837550 )
Ugh...My brain hurts :(

magician!meghan . . . 2 posts (post #1869694 and post #1869260), both uploaded by Doggo113

Updated by anonymous