What to do with character tags when same artist has 2 or more characters with same name?
Discovered artist Aaron had two characters both named Justin,
so assumed proper tag style would be
justin_(mouse)(aaron) .
Have noticed only one piece of art with mouse Justin
( post #104209 ) and used edit reason
"used justin_(mouse)(aaron) tag because Aaron has more than one character named Justin."
Used similar "Edit reason" for some uploads of bear Justin: "using justin_(bear)(aaron) tag because Aaron has more than one character named Justin."
but someone else changed character tag to plain justin_(aaron) (with no "Edit reason").
( Example: added justin_(bear)(aaron) to post #1683698 . Including this as is the only rated safe upload of bear Justin )
Wondering if tag of justin_(aaron) is ok,
or if it should be changed back to justin_(bear)(aaron).
If keep as justin_(aaron), then start wiki justin_(aaron) with link to justin_(mouse)(aaron) ?