Implicating predalien → xenomorph
Link to implication
The Predalien is a Xenomorph born from a Predator/Yautja host. It appears in not only the second AVP film, but in a number of comics and games predating it.
Maybe it should also implicate Yautja (and Hybrid, I guess?), but I don't think so. I think that sets a weird precedent with other non-human Xenomorphs. A Predalien is just as much a Yautja as any random Xenomorph you see in the movies is a human. They shouldn't be tagged with either Yautja or Hybrid, in my opinion.
Other Implications
- engineer_(alien) -> alien_(franchise)
- neomorph -> alien
- neomorph -> alien_(franchise)
- predalien -> predator_(franchise) (Or maybe there should be an Alien vs. Predator copyright tag that implicates Alien and Predator and that Predalien can be implicated to)
- prometheus_(film) -> alien_(franchise)
- trilobite_(prometheus) -> prometheus_(film)
- xenomorph_queen -> xenomorph
- yautja -> alien
EDIT: The tag implication predalien -> xenomorph (forum #267385) has been rejected by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator