Topic: privileged account taken away from me!

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Oh look at that an admin posting very VERY valid points of why it was taken away i guess i can see the mass tag thingy the only thing im kind of upset about is there was never really any warning i wish i was told what i did wrong or some rule somewhere i can see i was left in the dark and that was were my rage was coming from. He took the time to look up who deleted my pri and had a counter augment to every augment i had and he didn't write some veg bullshit name calling and spam like most of you... thanks to him i owe someone an apology for assuming he took my pri out of hate.

thank you what a big help you have been.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Oh look at that an admin posting very VERY valid points of why it was taken away i guess i can see the mass tag thingy the only thing im kind of upset about is there was never really any warning i wish i was told what i did wrong or some rule somewhere i can see i was left in the dark and that was were my rage was coming from. He took the time to look up who deleted my pri and had a counter augment to every augment i had and he didn't write some veg bullshit name calling and spam like most of you... thanks to him i owe someone an apology for assuming he took my pri out of hate.

thank you what a big help you have been.

See? This admin has the pokéballs

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Save your Fake Tears, I'm just using general moves. I don't mean to cause an Uproar but I'm trying to keep things moving. It doesn't take Future Sight to realize that we'll run out of puns your way, so After You.

I gave up.
Blaziken gets 10 EXP; hope it's worth it.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Oh look at that an admin posting very VERY valid points of why it was taken away i guess i can see the mass tag thingy the only thing im kind of upset about is there was never really any warning i wish i was told what i did wrong or some rule somewhere i can see i was left in the dark and that was were my rage was coming from. He took the time to look up who deleted my pri and had a counter augment to every augment i had and he didn't write some veg bullshit name calling and spam like most of you... thanks to him i owe someone an apology for assuming he took my pri out of hate.

thank you what a big help you have been.

Well, I'm glad that Ominous Wind has passed.
Well, I'm gonna make a U-Turn outta this thread.)

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
I love you, SnowWolf. <3

And I love you, Blaz <3

xLuna said:
Edit: We all love SnowWolf <3 *group hug*

*huggles <3 <3 <3 <3

nottelling3979 said:
Oh look at that an admin posting very VERY valid points of why it was taken away i guess i can see the mass tag thingy the only thing im kind of upset about is there was never really any warning i wish i was told what i did wrong or some rule somewhere i can see

I will admit that had *I* pulled your upgraded account, I would have sent a note over, but that's me. As for rules... as I said, we can't list everything, though I think I will tweak the wording in a few places to clarify slightly.

i was left in the dark and that was were my rage was coming from. He took the time to look up who deleted my pri and had a counter augment to every augment i had

Walls of text are my specialty :) I"m just glad that I have.. smoothed this over.

and he didn't write some veg bullshit name calling and spam like most of you...thanks to him i owe someone an apology for assuming he took my pri out of hate.

thank you what a big help you have been.

I do what I can :) On other notes, though, seriously: don't start topics like this. Message an admin next time. the guy who did it, me, or, if you want to go to 'the boss' Char. It's a lot easier that way, and you won't have to deal with anyone posting in 'your' topic.

On a side note... a neutral record is simply a record to say that someone has spoken to you regarding a topic. Once upon a time, we only had negative records and postive records. It was a very messy time full of people stepping on each other's toes. On that note, I'm goign to give you one, now.

xLuna said:
See? This admin has the pokéballs


Updated by anonymous

Snowwolf hit the nail on the head. It was decided by the staff (not just me and null) that you had done little to earn it, considering there are users with over ten times your tag edits and other contributions who still only have member status. The posting of DNP raised a bit of a red flag and the scathing (borderline harassing) PM's you sent to Kald were the nail in the coffin, so to speak. I don't know why you were upgraded to begin with (and oddly enough, neither does the admin who did it), but if you want it back, you'll have to earn it like everyone else. Long story short, your behavior is not consistent with what we look for in privileged users.

Updated by anonymous

The priv account got handed out shortly after forum #33826. It kind of pissed me off at the time, because from the outside looking in, it looked exactly like someone whining about subscriptions and being rewarded with a priv account. Then I got some perspective and got over it

That said: privileged accounts are a privilege, not a right. They can be taken away for any reason or for no reason at all, and frankly, the combination of not needing the higher limits, uploading DNP, and mouthing off at admins strikes me as an excellent combination of reasons. Whining about it doesn't help your case.

Updated by anonymous

I had wondered what the average tag edit number was for a privileged user account. I will get there eventually.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

pingpong101 said:
I had wondered what the average tag edit number was for a privileged user account. I will get there eventually.

Looks like you're well on your way to me. Keep it up. :)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Well, why do these things never happen during european prime time ? :/

SnowWolf has summed up all that was to be said.

Now I'm going to do something I never do and express publically my opinion : upon reading this thread, I was extremly annoyed by the way several people jumped the bandwagon and stirred the drama a bit further, all while having limited knowledge of the issue at hand.

It is understandable (yet not forgivable) from the OP.
I'm however extremly disappointed by the regular users who talked here.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
"fuck it fix your own god damn tags and upload your own images i already have a privileged account why the fuck should i do any of this stupid crap when other people can do it for me"

This is enough to convince me that you losing your privilege status was warranted. This isn't how the site works. Everybody helps out. Just because you have a privilege account doesn't mean that you shouldn't fix tags.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
This is enough to convince me that you losing your privilege status was warranted. This isn't how the site works. Everybody helps out. Just because you have a privilege account doesn't mean that you shouldn't fix tags.

Ya i think i got that from the last 4 posts you don't have to be a wouldbe admin guy

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:

We shouldn't need rules to have common sense. Yelling at an admin and bringing that you have something on our site is a surefire way to get it taken away. Remember. This site is a privilege, NOT a right.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Ya i think i got that from the last 4 posts you don't have to be a wouldbe admin guy

The reason this post in not locked is so that anyone who wants to can weigh in with their opinion if they want. Just like everyone else :)

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
We shouldn't need rules to have common sense. Yelling at an admin and bringing that you have something on our site is a surefire way to get it taken away. Remember. This site is a privilege, NOT a right.

Sweet i hope i can become an admin on this site! i would be banning people like crazy if i could use the excuse "it was just common sense"

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Ya i think i got that from the last 4 posts you don't have to be a wouldbe admin guy

Wouldbe admin? So having common sense and not being an asshole is being a wouldbe admin? This guy can't be older than 15. If you want your privilege back, earn it by being repectful and by contributing to the site. They won't just give it back because you whined about it.

Updated by anonymous

Azazial said:
Please elaborate upon which "stupid crap" you feel you should be exempt from. The DNP rule?

I believe you get a neutral for a warning if you posted DNP pictures first time. Correct me if im wrong. Continued DNP is a Negative.

xLuna said:
I never said there was a rule (seriously, calm down). But here, let me point where (I think) you screwed it:
You see, you said you had a privileged account, right? But you also said "why the fuck should I do any of this stupid crap when other people can do it for me". As I understood, you told Kald "I finally have a privileged account, I won't do anything anymore". What really happened between you and Kald? Remember that we also need to hear Kald's side of the story, so you two can get to an agreement, then a mod/admin can fix that status and we can party all night.

true we have to hear from both people.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Sweet i hope i can become an admin on this site! i would be banning people like crazy if i could use the excuse "it was just common sense"

And you just proved to us that you will never get either moderator status here, nor will you ever be given privileged again.

The admins discuss things, we talked about your attitude before hand, and it was decided as a group to pull your privileged status because your actions were unbecoming of a person using a privileged account. Privileged accounts are held to a higher standard then normal users, and contributors are held to higher standards then them.

Updated by anonymous

IceCream_Candy_Love said:
true we have to hear from both people.

Not really. I, along with several other staff members, read the entirety of these PM's. That's why we took action. And it wasn't immediate either. We actually discussed it over the course of a couple days.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Not really. I, along with several other staff members, read the entirety of these PM's. That's why we took action. And it wasn't immediate either. We actually discussed it over the course of a couple days.

When did this happen, yesterday? and what cause of nottelling and Kald arguing

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Wouldbe admin? So having common sense and not being an asshole is being a wouldbe admin? This guy can't be older than 15. If you want your privilege back, earn it by being repectful and by contributing to the site. They won't just give it back because you whined about it.

Sweet so if this guy can talk to me like this i don't want to hear any crap about my next words.

What i wanted to say but didn't want to get banned is: Dude the topic is basically closed you can clearly see 4 ADMINS telling me a more detailed version of what you just said you just want to piggy back and start drama shit all over again. I already have my answer i don't need some brown nosed loser telling me the same thing. All stop being an asshole when you stop being a little bitch i already fucking said i understand now and i don't need to be lectured on how to get the privileged back i never said i going to try and reclaim it don't even want it back i only used it for the + and - thingy so thank you but i don't need advise from a second rate admin who can't even read the fucking topic.

and seriously if i get in trouble and nothing happens to you after you act like this and back seating the admins all be pissed.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
And you just proved to us that you will never get either moderator status here

Gee thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Not really. I, along with several other staff members, read the entirety of these PM's. That's why we took action. And it wasn't immediate either. We actually discussed it over the course of a couple days.

DUDE...can you guys really look at other peoples pms or did he show it to people? That's really creepy if you can just pull up someone privet messages.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Sweet so if this guy can talk to me like this i don't want to hear any crap about my next words.

What i wanted to say but didn't want to get banned is: Dude the topic is basically closed you can clearly see 4 ADMINS telling me a more detailed version of what you just said you just want to piggy back and start drama shit all over again. I already have my answer i don't need some brown nosed loser telling me the same thing. All stop being an asshole when you stop being a little bitch i already fucking said i understand now and i don't need to be lectured on how to get the privileged back i never said i going to try and reclaim it don't even want it back i only used it for the + and - thingy so thank you but i don't need advise from a second rate admin who can't even read the fucking topic.

But who gave you rights to start talking shit about someone else

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
DUDE...can you guys really look at other peoples pms or did he show it to people? That's really creepy if you can just pull up someone privet messages.

and dude there admins they have to make sure no ones doing stupid shit

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
DUDE...can you guys really look at other peoples pms or did he show it to people? That's really creepy if you can just pull up someone privet messages.

If we could, would you really want to know? But to answer your question, he showed the messages to us in the IRC staff room.

IceCream_Candy_Love said:
When did this happen, yesterday? and what cause of nottelling and Kald arguing

I don't remember, something like a week ago. The specific details about the argument aren't important.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
If we could, would you really want to know? But to answer your question, he showed the messages to us in the IRC staff room.

Hell yes i want to know that's freaking creepy dude.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Hell yes i want to know that's freaking creepy dude.

No, we cant. Users post their PM's to us, and we discuss them in the staff channel. Big brother is not out to get you.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
No, we cant. Users post their PM's to us, and we discuss them in the staff channel. Big brother is not out to get you.

Ok, I got it now.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
No, we cant. Users post their PM's to us, and we discuss them in the staff channel. Big brother is not out to get you.

MMMMk that's fine i understand if my "attitude" or what the hell ever got it taken away. It's not the fact that it was taken from me it was why and at the time i just thought it was cuz the admin was butt hurt about the me not tagging things to tell you the truth its kind of useless... i only and one sub besides you guys make it sound like "OH if you're a good boy then MABBBBBYE we will give you this nice bone not everyone has it so you have to be really special to get it and you should feel really lucky to have had this great honer only the best of the best" :/

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
MMMMk that's fine i understand if my "attitude" or what the hell ever got it taken away. It's not the fact that it was taken from me it was why and at the time i just thought it was cuz the admin was butt hurt about the me not tagging things to tell you the truth its kind of useless... i only and one sub besides you guys make it sound like "OH if you're a good boy then MABBBBBYE we will give you this nice bone not everyone has it so you have to be really special to get it and you should feel really lucky to have had this great honer only the best of the best" :/

Well, that IS what a privileged account "is". Its a treat, a way to give some of our users more special tools to help them upload, to help them tag, and to treat them for being good users.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Well, that IS what a privileged account "is". Its a treat, a way to give some of our users more special tools to help them upload, to help them tag, and to treat them for being good users.

Just my opinion

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Just my opinion

And opinions can get you in trouble, Believe me. I know. I've been yelled at enough times for putting my opinion out so much that it came across as belligerent or trolling, and had to reel myself in to a more fitting role of a soft spoken admin.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
No, we cant. Users post their PM's to us, and we discuss them in the staff channel. Big brother is not out to get you.

It's not that we can't, it's that we don't. Most websites that feature their own PM system have functions that allow for admin accessibility. But that doesn't mean we go through and read them all willy-nilly. That would actually be pretty fucked up.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
It's not that we can't, it's that we don't. Most websites that feature their own PM system have functions that allow for admin accessibility. But that doesn't mean we go through and read them all willy-nilly. That would actually be pretty fucked up.

It sounds like it could be entertaining in its own light. You could probably keep the creepy comment thread open a lot easier.

Char said:
Looks like you're well on your way to me. Keep it up. :)

Thank you for the vote of confidence!

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
And opinions can get you in trouble, Believe me. I know. I've been yelled at enough times for putting my opinion out so much that it came across as belligerent or trolling, and had to reel myself in to a more fitting role of a soft spoken admin.

That's a pretty horrible philosophy so when you're miss treated (im not saying i was) you just sit there and take it? Sorry thats not how i live my life i don't care if i get a ban if i got to say what was on my mind and especially if it was due to bullshit. I know i could have done this topic in a better tone but im happy i did it and you can beleave if the next reply from ippiki was "yes we can see your pms and there is noting you can do about it" I would be on his ass right now.If you guys hate my tone im actually sorry for that i was just putting on a show and if it truly hurt your feeling or what ever then im even more sorry but if you don't like me expressing my opinion or to stand up for myself then...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ippiki_ookami said:
It's not that we can't, it's that we don't. Most websites that feature their own PM system have functions that allow for admin accessibility. But that doesn't mean we go through and read them all willy-nilly. That would actually be pretty fucked up.

To expand on this, it is impossible for us to "target" anyone's PMs unless we're linked directly to them. We do NOT have any feature on the site that allows us to view all PMs sent by/to any given user (nor are there any plans to implement such a feature). We need a link to each individual one.

Without this ability, the "Report PM" feature on the site would be a bit useless, since we'd be unable to actually see the PM in order to verify what was said.

nottelling3979 said:
That's a pretty horrible philosophy so when you're miss treated (im not saying i was) you just sit there and take it? Sorry thats not how i live my life i don't care if i get a ban if i got to say what was on my mind and especially if it was due to bullshit.

The problem is when you put 2 people together that hold that same philosophy, neither wants to back down, and things get completely out of hand over something that started out as pretty trivial. We'd much prefer that our users not shit all over each other trying to prove who's the best at shitting on people. :P

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
The problem is when you put 2 people together that hold that same philosophy, neither wants to back down, and things get completely out of hand over something that started out as pretty trivial. We'd much prefer that our users not shit all over each other trying to prove who's the best at shitting on people. :P

This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, much to Chars chagrin, albeit not on this site bwahaha. Love ya char.

Updated by anonymous

Well I guess ill join the fray. Nottelling, im sorry you lost your priv status, it sucks my friend buuuut everything happens for a reason and it would seem the admins have supplied the reason for you to understand. I know it sucks and your pissed and all but carrying out negativity will likely make it worse. Princess celestia is right about opinions often causing arguments and fueling rage, me and her have battled over opinions and shared many not so kind moments over opinions... But in the long run they are just that, opinions. We got over differences and I hold nothing against her or any other admin staff here for other quarrels or misunderstandings that have happened (and there have been several including a random ban and reinstatement I wont discuss) but one thing to keep in mind is its just a website... We might all love it here but in the end a priveleged account isnt going to pay rent or save a cancer patient or stop world hunger. My advice is take other peoples criticism and dissing on you with a grain of salt and shrug it off, rise up and be the better person not to play into their actions and I bet just that simple change in behavior to people wether they be rude or not can help bring you closer to priveleged account status again. Take a breath, smile and remember life is what you make of it, win or lose.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:

Completely irrelevant but, I have a strong desire to shave your face completely bald :|

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, much to Chars chagrin, albeit not on this site bwahaha. Love ya char.

This topic is boring me now :( i honestly thought i would be banned by now for some disrespectful crap or whatever. I mean hell i got 3 admins agreeing with me right now im assuming you guys are having a super mega secret admin meeting because that's how you guys deside things around here right? Behind the admin chat and when you don't like someone you just do what ever.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Well I guess ill join the fray. Nottelling, im sorry you lost your priv status, it sucks my friend buuuut everything happens for a reason and it would seem the admins have supplied the reason for you to understand. I know it sucks and your pissed and all but carrying out negativity will likely make it worse. Princess celestia is right about opinions often causing arguments and fueling rage, me and her have battled over opinions and shared many not so kind moments over opinions... But in the long run they are just that, opinions. We got over differences and I hold nothing against her or any other admin staff here for other quarrels or misunderstandings that have happened (and there have been several including a random ban and reinstatement I wont discuss) but one thing to keep in mind is its just a website... We might all love it here but in the end a priveleged account isnt going to pay rent or save a cancer patient or stop world hunger. My advice is take other peoples criticism and dissing on you with a grain of salt and shrug it off, rise up and be the better person not to play into their actions and I bet just that simple change in behavior to people wether they be rude or not can help bring you closer to priveleged account status again. Take a breath, smile and remember life is what you make of it, win or lose.

Im not reading all of that...

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
This topic is boring me now :( i honestly thought i would be banned by now for some disrespectful crap or whatever. I mean hell i got 3 admins agreeing with me right now im assuming you guys are having a super mega secret admin meeting because that's how you guys deside things around here right? Behind the admin chat and when you don't like someone you just do what ever.

We don't ban for opinions unless you're intentionally instigating flame and drama among a swath of the user base. Tag vandalism will get you banned faster; if thats what you really wanna go for.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
We don't ban for opinions unless you're intentionally instigating flame and drama among a swath of the user base. Tag vandalism will get you banned faster; if thats what you really wanna go for.

:) looks like im staying

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
Im not reading all of that...

It was a positive and friendly post... why not?

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
It was a positive and friendly post... why not?

Lol just pulling your chain dawg just russian your jimmy's dawg just washing your oriental dawg....i did read it.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
Well, why do these things never happen during european prime time ? :/

I feel your pain, Kald, I feel your pain.

Everyone move to Europe now

Updated by anonymous

Just goes to show how drama oriented americans really are lol

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
I feel your pain, Kald, I feel your pain.

Everyone move to Europe now

No. There aren't enough Gamestops and McDonalds. And Paris is always crowded.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
No. There aren't enough Gamestops and McDonalds. And Paris is always crowded.

Pwned. ;p

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
No. There aren't enough Gamestops and McDonalds. And Paris is always crowded.

First point is valid, second one negates it. I win

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
No. There aren't enough Gamestops and McDonalds. And Paris is always crowded.

WOW still coming back and trying to start something :b

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
First point is valid, second one negates it. I win

Paris being crowded is a good thing? I went there once on a random day, and there were assholes everywhere. If I pick another random day, chances are that there will be lots of filthy american tourists, some slightly filthier european tourists, and some relatively clean japanese tourists.

nottelling3979 said:
WOW still coming back and trying to start something :b

I'm not starting anything, but you seem to be hanging on to something.

Updated by anonymous

nottelling3979 said:
WOW still coming back and trying to start something :b

aww come now, its all in good fun ^_^

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Paris being crowded is a good thing?

No, first part being the gamestop part. Seond part being the McDonalds part. I've never been to Paris so I don't know what it's like there

nottelling3979 said:
WOW still coming back and trying to start something :b

If you haven't noticed I'm trying to make light of the topic, sorry if this inconveniences you

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
No, first part being the gamestop part. Seond part being the McDonalds part.

I had never seen a McDonalds in Germany, only Burger Kings with their second-rate fries.

Updated by anonymous

Oh, be fair, American tourists aren't especially filthy, just frequently overweight.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Oh, be fair, American tourists aren't especially filthy, just frequently overweight.

Lots of countries are filthy, but since we're one of the most prominent countries, we get called on it more.

Updated by anonymous

I would agree that there are filthy americans, but the number of americans who are filthy, and can afford a european vacation is very low.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Why is this not dead yet?

mostly because people keep responding. if people stopped responding, it would die. :)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If only we had some way to prevent people from responding anymore...

Updated by anonymous

If only. Sadly, nothing like that exists. Anywhere.

Updated by anonymous

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