Topic: Tag Implication: erection -> aroused

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You don't need to be aroused to have an erection.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah I'm not entirely sure erect* should be aliased to aroused, since arousal, at least to me, is a pleasurable thing. Someone being raped, for instance, might have an erection but not be experiencing arousal, as I think of it.

Updated by anonymous

honestly im not sure if we should have the whole aroused tag at all. its very vague and messy tag

Updated by anonymous

Ruikuli said:
honestly im not sure if we should have the whole aroused tag at all. its very vague and messy tag

I mean, horny is disambiguated, what's the difference?

Updated by anonymous

Versperus said:
people could mean that the character has many horns with that tag

read the horny_(disambiguation) page. nobody was using it for characters with many horns. it was got rid of because it was used for an the exact same abstract subjective thing as aroused is used

Updated by anonymous

Ruikuli said:
read the horny_(disambiguation) page. nobody was using it for characters with many horns. it was got rid of because it was used for an the exact same abstract subjective thing as aroused is used

I mean, I thought that is what it could of been used for
maybe it should be on the wiki aha

Updated by anonymous

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