Topic: Tag Alias: enka -> maji

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

magikapp -> magi
As well, as it is both their twitter name and the name they chose to go with on the website, in fact I would suggest magikapp as the alias if it weren't for the artist them selves wanting to go by enka or maji. I would actually suggest asking the artist which name they would prefer to go by on the website.

Updated by anonymous

I realize this thread is now two years old, but I just stumbled on it by chance while reverse-searching my name out of curiosity.
To clear things up: The actual name is Maji, my FA handle is unfortunately locked as Enka, and for Twitter the handle "Maji" was already taken, so I added the "kapp" as an easy to remember gag at the end. I wish they could all be the same, but hey... I apologize for any confusion, and hopefully this clears it up.

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