Topic: Tag Alias: throwing_star -> shuriken

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing throwing_star → shuriken
Link to alias


From Wikipedia

"A shuriken (Japanese 手裏剣; literally: "hidden hand blade") is a Japanese concealed weapon that was used as a hidden dagger or metsubushi to distract or misdirect.


They are also known as throwing stars or ninja stars, although they were originally designed in many different shapes. The major varieties of shuriken are the bō shuriken (棒手裏剣, stick shuriken) and the hira shuriken (平手裏剣, flat shuriken) or shaken (車剣, also read as kurumaken, wheel shuriken)."

Also alias ninja_star to shuriken.

EDIT: The tag alias throwing_star -> shuriken (forum #269703) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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