Topic: Massive tumblr _raw reblog collection

Posted under Art Talk

A friend of mine, for reasons I still can't quite fathom, decided to download the entirety of someones reblog page. Given this was before tumblr put in place their _raw ban, all ~6516 images are their _raw variants, likely the only place many of these exist in raw form.
For more reasons I still don't get either, he decided to give me the file to do whatever with. It's all SFW stuff only, getting up to questionable at worst, so for what purpose it was downloaded is even more lost on me.
Figured the best thing to do with it would be to share it somewhere it might be appreciated, might help with clearing out some of the lingering 1280x versions still floating around here, if anyone's willing to shift through and match art and artists with old or new posts. (It's 4.87GB cmopressed, 5.10 uncompressed)

Updated by Mairo

Current way to get raw files from tumblr is to reblog the content and then ask tumblr to export it for you as zip.

So I would imagine their goal being just to reblog as much content as possible, just in case this that tumblr somday decides that this wasn't this their intention or similar like they did with direct raw file access.

Updated by anonymous

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