Topic: [Feature] Server time

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Please change the server time to something fitting the main audience i.e. the United States. I suggest Central or Mountain time so as to split the difference between the coasts.

Why would it be useful?
Having a U.S.-relevant server time would make the date stamps correspond more closely to the time/date as experienced by users. In particular, my goal is to make the window for each day within the Popular art category correspond to the date art is posted. Right now, you can post something mid-day and have it count towards yesterday's popular art category, ensuring your post is utterly swamped by stuff posted the night before. The current server time unfairly biases the Popular art category to favor artwork posted by a small number of people in overseas timezones.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
This would affect all pages with date/time stamps.

Updated by neurumboom

A time zone selector on user settings to change date stamps would be helpful.

Factoring in the UTC offset for your own date searches looks good, but don't be surprised if there is an issue implementing it.

See also forum #256655 for other ideas.

Updated by anonymous

hhrff said:
Having a U.S.-relevant server time would make the date stamps correspond more closely to the time/date as experienced by users.

<desire to write obscenities intensifies>

It's not the timezone that's the problem, it's the fact the page depends on timezone settings so much.

For once, it should not display current day at all. Like really, make it start with the most recent full 24h interval, aka "yesterday", in whatever timezone, and the whole issue will likely just go away.

Updated by anonymous

hslugs said:
For once, it should not display current day at all. Like really, make it start with the most recent full 24h interval, aka "yesterday", in whatever timezone, and the whole issue will likely just go away.

The only good way to do that is to add a new hour(s) keyword, and then change the search to "date:24_hours_ago".

Updated by anonymous

hslugs said:
Like really, make it start with the most recent full 24h interval, aka "yesterday", in whatever timezone, and the whole issue will likely just go away.

This would increase the fairness, utility, and accuracy of the "Popular" page. If nothing else is done, this seems like a good change.

However, the simplest solution would be to just change the server time to, say, U.S. Central. No programming required. It's over and done. I think Varka can forgo the minor convenience of having the server in "his" timezone, relative to the adverse affects the majority of the userbase faces.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Updated by anonymous

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