Topic: Tag Alias: kawazu_tika -> 川途ふみ

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing kawazu_tika → 川途ふみ
Link to alias


They appear to be the same artist. I would also alias a "Kawazu___Fumi" tag to "川途ふみ" or vice versa. Initially the tag was just "川途," they appear to have used different variations of the "川途" name, but "川途" alone is now being used as the name of an entirely different non-kemono Pixiv artist and I wouldn't want there to be any confusion, so I tried to change it to the current "川途ふみ" but it appears I've done something wrong... This artist doesn't appear to use the "Kawazu_Tika" variation of their username anymore so I thought it might make more sense to alias it to the newer "川途ふみ" or maybe "Kawazu___Fumi" name, but the administrators probably know best.

The Artist's
Pawoo: (You'll have to copy and paste it)

And the older "川途" tag.川途
And attempted "川途ふみ" edit...川途ふみ

EDIT: The tag alias kawazu_tika -> 川途ふみ (forum #270307) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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