So it appears we don't have any solid rule regarding the way we should tag japanese artists' names, which results in having users do whatever they feel right, and sometimes, in having one artist tagged under different names.
First, as anyone who reads this should know, just like FA is the #1 source of "occidental" furry art, Pixiv is the #1 source of japanese furry art (or "kemono" art), therefore, most of the names come from there.
Now, Pixiv has an irritating feature : users registered there have both an ID (which they use to log in), and a displayed name, which appears on their profile page, under their avatar.
While the former is unchangeable, it can only be found by checking an artist's picture URL (the file's URL, NOT the submission's URL)
ex :
In this example, the pixiv ID is "dieva".
As for displayed names, they are often written in japanese characters, and they can change, though I doubt they often do.
And now, you have this lambda user which is going to post a picture from Pixiv, how is he going to tag the artist ?
Here is what I can say about this :
- japanese characters are a no, no, and against NO, DO NOT use japanese characters on E621 : most users cannot type them and cannot easily use them in a search
- do not use google translation on an artist's name ! That just doesn't make it any sense, you don't translate a name, you transliterate it, and this site will do it for you : --- Using romanized displayed names is one solution, but sometimes it will give funky results, and the names on the profile can change
- I have noticed that lot of japanese artists who use english speaking galleries (FA, DA...) used their Pixiv "displayed" name to register, but I might be biased
- furries are sheeps, and some artist tags we have here are the result of one guy thinking "hey let's call this artist like that", and other people simply followed ; sometimes they are a porting of gelbooru / danbooru
- most people don't know how to check a Pixiv ID. Additionnally, it is not the way artists want to be known as, otherwise they would put the same name in their profile (and they sometimes do). The IDs are however stable, and are already romanized ; they are also a solution
I do believe you cannot define a policy which does not require constant vigilance about tags (unless you start making massive amounts of aliases) and each case should be examined seperately by considering the following :
- is the transliterated name making any sense ?
- how does the artist wish to be known as ? (you can check their profile infos, twitters accounts, etc, to answer this)
- how is the artist currently known as by us E621 plebeian ?
Updated by titanmelon