I'm back at it again, with another project to throw to the wind, and have nothing happen.
Idem's Sourcing Suite
Examples Currently not accurate
You must have some user script manager. Greasy Fork has a good list. (I use tampermonkey)
What is this?
This is a bundle of tools designed to make sourcing posts and images easy for e621. There are three main parts:
- on-site plans
- image-data comparison
- post BVASer Currently broke
on-site plans
The on-site plans include utilities for uploading and verifying the source of post. It includes three parts: a convenient link to upload an image to e621, an automatic image hasher that checks if an image was uploaded to e621, and a button to copy a posts' description.
image-data comparison
The image-data comparison tool is something that could be used to find the subtle differences between image files. It is most useful for checking if there are unnoticeable compression artifacts in an image.
post BVASer Currently broken
The post BVASer is a recreation of a tool originally made by Munkelzahn. It will replace a post on e621 with a new image that has superior quality. It will copy all information from the old post into a new one.
Why doesn't it support site X?
Send me a suggestion, either on github or on e621 and I will probably add it.
I have a great idea!
Create an issue, or even write the code yourself. I like great ideas and I like making great things.
What about these permissions? Do you really need send requests to ANY URL?
No I don't, and I wish I didn't need those permissions. I feel the less you need to trust me the better. The only reason I request access to any site for this extension is so the image comparison and post BVASer can function. This is because your web browser is concerned about XSS attacks (and it should be!) so it does not allow me to get values from the canvas I draw the images on, and it does not let me get the md5sum of those images.
I really don't like the way you do X
That's a suggestion. See above.
Who actually uses this?
I do. Mairo does (Thanks, blip #90217). And now hopefully more people.