Topic: Going back to play a video game

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Just been thinking about this a little since I recently started replaying games I used to love many, many years ago.

Are there any games that you used to love/still love, but when you went back to play them again it turned out that they weren't just as good as your memory made them out to be?
Whether it be pure nostalgic bliss, or horrible gameplay that had just been forgotten - Have this ever happened to you?

One example for me is The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, which I recently installed and booted up for the first time in quite a while.
The experience was something like this:

"Aw yeah, I've missed this so much, the lore, the books, the environment..."
"Oh man... why do everyone look like a potato?"
"Oh... fuck, why is the gameplay so clanky and shite, it's like controlling a drunk on ice."

Updated by Lekkiyo

Rome: Total War. It got me into RTS's, but good lawd, the UI and user experience do not hold up at all.

Updated by anonymous

Nothing really changed besides the game strangelly seemed less difficult.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Young me: oh man this final chapter is so hard!
Me now: well it was fun rhaping you biolizard, now lets see what rule 34 did to you..... thats hot...

Updated by anonymous

Wolfgang415 said:
Well, at least it isn't an Atari.

Them's fightin' words.

Updated by anonymous

Don't forget the BAD lip sync on the Yellow Arena Champion when you get warrior rank, what a bitch.
And try to play TES: Arena o_O every single NPC is damn ugly, fighting their place with Morrowind

Updated by anonymous

Hmmm, let's see: Super Mario Bros. 1-3 (NES), Sonic 1-3 (Genesis), Driver 2 (PS1), Destruction Derby Raw (PS1)...

yeh, that's my list...

Updated by anonymous

I remember playing STALKER: Call of Chernobyl and thinking the graphics were completely mind blowing. Oh boy.... that's an awful lot of featureless flat brown terrain.
As for gameplay, I'd say most of the Sierra 'edutainment' games were fairly god-awful. That said, they're alI had for a pretty long time, so I'd spend ages trying to unlock all the dinosaur animations or flying through a model of a 3D skeleton.

Updated by anonymous

I'm a big retro gamer so it's hard for me to ignore nostalgia, I don't really care about graphics as long as the gameplay is good.

One thing I hate about modern games is the way they babysit you through the whole game, giving you checkpoints and shit. I'm a bit of a difficulty whore, so I'm in favor of games where if you die you have to start the whole damn thing again.

It's very difficult for me to find any modern game as fun as a classic game.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
It's very difficult for me to find any modern game as fun as a classic game.

Are modern games fun? As far as I've seen, it's just the same dish served differently (and some are even half cooked)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Are modern games fun? As far as I've seen, it's just the same dish served differently (and some are even half cooked)

Exactly! All of the so called AAA titles these days are pretty much the same games with different decoration on them to make them unique.

There's no originality anymore from the large companies, it's the same shit every time. The only salvation for gaming now are the indie developers who push the boat out to try and give gamers something new. That's why I support Steam's early access program.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Around what year do you consider the cutoff for "Modern?"

I'm going back about five years or so... when FPS gained more popularity... I'm talking about the most prominent game genres there, not taking the others (racing, platformers, action)

I'm really enjoying Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker despite the constant praise of Che Guevara and as for new series, Left 4 Dead is really fun and Metro 2033 was neat. Spec Ops: The Line was one of the most memorable games I've ever played. And Destiny looks amazing.
I've also heard a lot of praise for Wonderful 101, but I haven't played it much.
I will say, however, that E3 didn't give me much to look forward to...

I've never watched E3, mostly because they announce games/consoles that I get many years later :/

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
You didn't miss much. This was the only game that I found interesting that I didn't already know about.

Huh, that looks cool! Really neat and everything, but I don't own the system...

Updated by anonymous

I only play games that I feel like it is enjoyable, I don't play games cause other people are playing it

Updated by anonymous

Unreal Tournament 3 just felt so much better a while back, but now its just cool looking cutscenes spliced into repetitive gameplay and terrible ai.

Updated by anonymous