Topic: Tag Implication: curvaceous -> voluptuous

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm beyond certain we've had a thread about this before and it got rejected but I don't exactly remember hhhh

Updated by anonymous

D.D.M. and I were talking about that thread maybe(forum #189069) over in the new tag thread(forum #181201 - pg19). if that's it, it was an alias suggestion so we'll see if the implication route goes any better. it looks right so figure it's worth a try

Updated by anonymous

Pooling together all these related forum discussions here:

forum #189069 - Tag Alias: curvaceous -> voluptuous
forum #271280 - Tag Implication: curvaceous -> voluptuous
forum #271285 - Tag Implication: hourglass_figure -> curvy_figure
forum #271284 - Tag Implication: voluptuous -> curvy_figure
New Tags Discussion, page 19 - Discussion on the usage of hourglass_figure, curvaceous, and voluptuous

BlackLicorice said:

I'm beyond certain we've had a thread about this before and it got rejected but I don't exactly remember hhhh

sneezer22 said:

D.D.M. and I were talking about that thread maybe(forum #189069) over in the new tag thread(forum #181201 - pg19). if that's it, it was an alias suggestion so we'll see if the implication route goes any better. it looks right so figure it's worth a try

Yeah, initially I thought an alias of curvaceous -> voluptuous would be a good idea, but I changed my mind after some discussion. Similarly I though aliasing curvaceous -> hourglass_figure would be a good idea until changing my mind after discussing it with Sneezer. As such, I've stricken out the alias suggested in the above forum pooling since it is a null-and-void matter at this point.

As for this implication, I definitely support it since a curvaceous character will always be a voluptuous character as well by definition of the tags. +1 for this implication.

Updated by anonymous

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