Topic: how many dildos/plugs/vibes do you own?

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there's already a bad dragon thread so i thought "why not make a thread dedicated to just talking about how much dildos we own?"

i have 10 dildos, i already posted my bad dragon stuff in the thread so

substitute said:
i have:

-medium crackers (cumtube)

-large chance unflared (cumtube)

-large flint (cumtube)

-medium chance unflared (no cumtube)

besides that i have a transparent blue dildo, 3 normal dildos (tan/plain black colored), a buttplug and a vibrator.

Updated by Suineder

More than I'd like to admit, including 2 Bad Dragon toys.

Updated by anonymous

None... though I'd like to have at least one but that's in the faaaar far future...

never been at a sex shop either

oh yeah, I'm that boring...

Updated by anonymous

Right now, 5 or 6.
Previously, more than 30.

Updated by anonymous

None, never tried to get one.

Looking forward on getting one from Bad Dragon when I have spare cash, life is hard you know?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Right now, 5 or 6.
Previously, more than 30.

What happened to the others?

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Zero, and I'm content with that.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
None... though I'd like to have at least one but that's in the faaaar far future...

Updated by anonymous

A billion.
My butt is actually a bag of holding for various sex toys.

Updated by anonymous

Wolfgang415 said:
What happened to the others?

Sold em, the resale market for BD toys is fairly good since they're easy to sterilize.

Updated by anonymous

.... 7. :<

Oh but my BD canine toy is definitely the best. You wouldn't think one dildo would be super different from any other, but you can feel where that money goes when it slides in.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
Oh but my BD canine toy is definitely the best. You wouldn't think one dildo would be super different from any other, but you can feel where that money goes when it slides in.

in ur butt

Updated by anonymous

I'm reserved about buying from BD. They seem to be almost entirely focused on dildos and I'm not into that. Their penetratables also seem lacking. And while I am interested in a couple of them (the penetratables) I put texture above aesthetic.

Tenga Flip!

Edit: Oh, and the prices are high.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
I'm reserved about buying from BD. They seem to be almost entirely focused on dildos and I'm not into that. Their penetratables also seem lacking. And while I am interested in a couple of them (the penetratables) I put texture above aesthetic.

Tenga Flip!

Edit: Oh, and the prices are high.

The prices are a bit high, but that's because of material costs.
If all that matters to you is the feel, then the Japanese make better, for cheaper.
Though, I have certainly seen some japanese, and american made ones that are as expensive.
That being said, they also don't usually last as long.
the BD penetrables are definitely more durable than most others on the market.
I've owned both, the BD ones aren't bad.
So, it's really up to preference.

Btw, don't buy american penetrables unless you know exactly what they're made of, like with BD.
The large corporate manufacturers tend to make theirs from whatever's cheapest.
This includes materials that are dangerous, even poisonous to use on human skin.
Japan has strict health laws that govern the manufacture of their toys, the US doesn't.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
The prices are a bit high, but that's because of material costs.
If all that matters to you is the feel, then the Japanese make better, for cheaper.
Though, I have certainly seen some japanese, and american made ones that are as expensive.
That being said, they also don't usually last as long.
the BD penetrables are definitely more durable than most others on the market.
I've owned both, the BD ones aren't bad.
So, it's really up to preference.

Btw, don't buy american penetrables unless you know exactly what they're made of, like with BD.
The large corporate manufacturers tend to make theirs from whatever's cheapest.
This includes materials that are dangerous, even poisonous to use on human skin.
Japan has strict health laws that govern the manufacture of their toys, the US doesn't.

I tend to only buy from Tenga, personally. The american toys I've tried have either been much too small, or much too bland. Usually both.

A tenga flip now only costs 70, 60 if you bargain shop, brand new. True, they say you should only use it for 50 sessions but as I and others can vouch for, they last so much longer. I've entered BD Labs and have submitted a design, and it received positive reviews, but people suggested a few changes that I'm having trouble getting over. Also, while I can describe the texture I can't draw it all too well. (I can draw, just not a bunch of bumps and ridges)
It also seems that they want something that can be more easily molded and the texture is a bit more complex.

Then there are people who don't care about texture at all! I remember one person saying "it just gets squished anyway."

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
I tend to only buy from Tenga, personally. The american toys I've tried have either been much too small, or much too bland. Usually both.

A tenga flip now only costs 70, 60 if you bargain shop, brand new. True, they say you should only use it for 50 sessions but as I and others can vouch for, they last so much longer. I've entered BD Labs and have submitted a design, and it received positive reviews, but people suggested a few changes that I'm having trouble getting over. Also, while I can describe the texture I can't draw it all too well. (I can draw, just not a bunch of bumps and ridges)
It also seems that they want something that can be more easily molded and the texture is a bit more complex.

Then there are people who don't care about texture at all! I remember one person saying "it just gets squished anyway."

Flip for $60 here, not bargain-y at all, I've bought there before(not Tenga):

They have other onaholes that are cheaper though.
Some as cheap as $10, though for a good quality one I suggest spending at least $25.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Flip for $60 here, not bargain-y at all, I've bought there before(not Tenga):

They have other onaholes that are cheaper though.
Some as cheap as $10, though for a good quality one I suggest spending at least $25.

Oh, trust me, I know. The price I was referring to was Tenga's official site, Toydemon. I just bought a new one through Walgreens myself.

Updated by anonymous

But I did fill out that I could own something soon...
*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
But I did fill out that I could own something soon...
*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

High five! :D

er... yea... I love givin' my opinion...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
But I did fill out that I could own something soon...
*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*


Updated by anonymous