Hey, listen,
I know what you're going to say, "All 3D art sucks." Some people know about the 3DPD meme, created by those who like anime and nothing else. Everybody knows 3D is hard, and is not done very well.
But, I want to break the norm, I want to prove that 3D art is the future. I want to prove that it doesn't always have to suck, and that it CAN look awesome, and I can implement my own, unique art-style into it, making it is hawt as possible, unlike most 3D animators and artists who just don't do what I am personally looking to do.
I want my 3D models to look bright, peppy, cheerful, sexy, attractive, etc... I want nothing flashy with those dumb bloom effects, dark or moody lighting like a horror game or a badly lit movie scene, or technical crap that is unmanageable, including movements and animations that look robotic, or anything of that sort.
My goal, as any artist, is to portray what is in my mind on to the canvas. And sometimes that "canvas", that imagination, can be better represented in 3D. Remember that 3D is only a tool, a tool that is not meant to limit anyone!
Blender is extremely powerful, and more than able to achieve my goals. Heck, people even make 2D animations with the grease pen, and a little magic. Anyway, if others like h0rse or twitchy can do 3D well, why can't I? The only problem is I have to learn how to use those features, and use those tools.
At some point, I will actually stop doing 2D art, since it's not getting enough attraction or attention, and focus on 3D animations of sexy things, rule 34, etc... I think that will really get people's attention a whole lot more.
My passion is to portray what is going on in my lewd mind, and portray it to anyone who wishes to view. How I do it may not be important to the viewers, but it's important to me. If I do 3D, I want to do it right.
Do you support this viewpoint, or disagree? Please give me some reasons why I should stick to 2D.
At the end of May, I may remove my backlog of unfinished 2D work, and primarily work on learning 3D Blender for as long as I need to. I may not make a piece of art I feel like sharing for a while.
If this bothers any one, especially one who is a fan of my work, please tell me.
Updated by Clawdragons