Topic: Tag Implication: 6_toes -> toes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Ok, exactly which part of this did you not understand?

(1) suggest one of the aliases/implications
(2) press edit below the forum post
(3) between <tag> -> <tag> and 'Reason', add something like: also, [additional aliases]

This will:
Reduce topic cluster and therefore:
Stop people from raging on your aliases/implications.

Win/Win :D

Edit: c) avoid that you eventually get banned for spamming.
Just a tip ;)

Updated by anonymous

Also, yes it makes sense, +1, but since all people see is spamming noone is going to notice that. So really, you are not helping anyone with you current behavior.

Updated by anonymous

+1, but as MNIO20C said, you really should compile many of your alias/implication suggestions into one thread.

Updated by anonymous

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