Topic: Tag Alias: kuroodod_(fursona) -> kuroodod_(character)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing kuroodod_(fursona) → kuroodod_(character)
Link to alias


I think 'character' would be a more appropriate word given the amount of tags where 'character' is used instead of 'fursona'

Also, if this gets approved, I'd like to suggest the alias *_(fursona) → *_(character) of any existing tags that apply

EDIT: The tag alias kuroodod_(fursona) -> kuroodod_(character) (forum #272808) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

FurryLover121 said:
Also, if this gets approved, I'd like to suggest the alias *_(fursona) → *_(character) of any existing tags that apply

can't do wild card aliases, unfortunatly.

There's about 2 pages of _(fursona) tags. oof.

I'd love to approve this, but we need some more work first.

for example.. we have ruki_(fursona).. but we also have ruki_(character) and ruki_(artist)

I can click on those links and find out, obviously, but it takes some time.

PLUS, we would PREFER ruki_(ruki) over ruki_(character)...

So, if anyone would like to put in some investigative footwork on this, it'd be great :)

Updated by anonymous

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