Topic: Tag Alias: patreon_logo -> patreon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Bumping this alias request because you can't create another while one exists.

I am against this alias. Currently the patreon tag is being used by people for when a post contains a link to a patreon page. While this may not be correct, I believe a better solution would be to invalidate the patreon tag and switch the current functionality to the patreon_logo tag.

Updated by anonymous

Idem said:
Bumping this alias request because you can't create another while one exists.

I am against this alias. Currently the patreon tag is being used by people for when a post contains a link to a patreon page. While this may not be correct, I believe a better solution would be to invalidate the patreon tag and switch the current functionality to the patreon_logo tag.

Or alias patreon into patreon_logo, making it much clearer when the tag is wrong and when it should be used.

Updated by anonymous

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