Topic: Commission help. and perspective.

Posted under Art Talk

Tbh, drawing beds is too fucking hard, let alone with perspective added onto it. I'm having to draw it with two point? perspective and looking down. It's just. AAAAA. Also, with two characters getting it on?
It's making me sad.
Anywho, anyone who draws a lot with perspective can you give me tips on how to make it look nice but not forced? I'm stuck.

Updated by MagnusEffect

There are a lot of tricks that can be used to build accurate perspective.
Most i know are very forced <_<

If I want to quickly take a guess at relative size of objects, I'd just quickly draw my scene on another page, looking from top or side. Then place where my viewer should be and draw diagonal lines from the viewer, giving 90 degree field of view. Then I can see how much of my field of view the object takes. If I have one character close, I would see it takes about half of my field of view and mark limits on my work piece where character should begin and end.
Quick sketches of side/top view are immensely helpful to me.

And theres more cheaty ways to do things (shhhh, nobody needs to know :^ )
You can just take a photo of bed you sleep in and congrads, you got a perfect perspective. Just draw it over, nobody wants to see the real one.
You can also use 3d software like blender to set up your scene and give hints on how perspective and even shading should look. (though when you get that far, why bother with 2d anyway?)

You could also send me your discord name, or other contact details. I'm always happy to help those who can neglect the fact that I have no clue either.

Updated by anonymous

BirdOfGrain said:
You can also use 3d software like blender to set up your scene and give hints on how perspective and even shading should look. (though when you get that far, why bother with 2d anyway?)

I mean, it can look really, really cool when done well... but that may arguably be more difficult than drawing it out.

Updated by anonymous

AmnesiaCreations said:
make it look nice but not forced?

Do you mean "forced" as in forced perspective or more like making it superficially look like correct perspective when it's not?
I want to say just grid everything thoroughly and try not to just eyeball or shortcut things. Blitzdrachin's link above is a good watch.

I do want to ask what your usual process for one point perspective is though.
post #2125179
This one works, but I suspect that's just because a lot of edges are hidden. If I try to grid out the bedside table and compare it to the room corner, I run into problems if I assume the lamp is in the precise centre of the table.

post #2125167
But in this one none of the floorboard grooves or the top of the cupboard grid to the same vanishing point. Three of the floor lines almost meet, but not at the horizon unless that's a hill we can see out the window.


Scott Robertson HOW TO DRAW is pretty good.
perspective for artists By Rex Vicat Cole is also good, and 4$, pretty good.