Topic: artist tag with star character in the name

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.
I accidentaly created the *teeter* artist tag. It turns out it doesn't show up in the tag search engine, and the post search engine returns a common wildcard search instead of searching for the star character.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Tag search and post search.

What is the expected behavior?

What actual behavior is given instead?
See above.

Time of incident (if applicable).

Can you reproduce the bug every time?

What steps did you take to replicate this bug?

Errors or other messages returned (if any).

Updated by Volteer133

This is a feature, not a bug.
If you go to the tags tab and search "cum" you're only going to get the tag cum, but if you search for "cum*", you're going to get anything that starts with the letters 'c' 'u' 'm', which includes all of the tags that are cum_on_(thing), cum_in_(place), cumshot, and so on. The same goes for "*cum" which will return anything that ends in "cum", and *cum* will return other things like circumcised in addition to the above.

Updated by anonymous

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