Topic: The Stupid Questions Thread

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I figured it would be useful and fun to have a general thread where people ask all of the questions they deem to not be worth asking in its own forum thread (something I admit to doing multiple times). Be it simple, complex, silly, rhetorical or serious, all of the small questions should go here.

Inquiries pertaining to the site itself are important should be asked in their own thread, as it is not guaranteed that all of the questions asked here will be answered.

1) Ask questions in bold so that they may be easily be noticed.

2) Respond to questions by quoting the question in a proper quote box and then answering.

3) All non inquiries (answers to questions, general comments and so forth) should be typed in normal script.

4) Mind your manatee and use common sense. Don't do anything that would get this thread locked.

I'll start us out with my own question that has been buzzing in my head.

Do porn artists ever masturbate to their own porn, or is there something about the creation process that sexually separates them from their own work?

Updated by Tokaido

FatherOfGray said:
Do porn artists ever masturbate to their own porn, or is there something about the creation process that sexually separates them from their own work?

I do know that Kevinsano and MegaHerts sometimes do. I don't think it happens often, but still.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
Do porn artists ever masturbate to their own porn, or is there something about the creation process that sexually separates them from their own work?

Are you kidding? Being able to draw precisely what turns you on is the number one reason to draw porn. I've completely failed to finish a piece several times because I get too distracted sketching the poses.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, pretty much what's already been said here. I draw furry prawn, and a lot of my own personal stuff is really hot to me (and has been used as schlick material). But I rarely get that into commission stuff even if I like the theme, its easier to see my own flaws than it is to enjoy the art.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
Do porn artists ever masturbate to their own porn, or is there something about the creation process that sexually separates them from their own work?

I draw some dragon porn from time to time, but I hardly find it arousing because I notice all the flaws in shape, pose or coloring to actually try to, besides I concentrate too much to actually find it fapable.

Updated by anonymous

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

I tend to start thinking I'd do literally anything, including scat, gore, watersports, etc. Seriously, I'm a dirty whore when I masturbate. It's weird. Especially since I'm a guy. Like, I had a fantasy about being dominated and forced to lick a public urinal. I once had a fetish for wedgies. Don't ask.

I'm fuckin weird lol

Updated by anonymous

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

In the "I just REALLY gotta get off" kinda mood. It generally gets me into thinking about/trying very odd things. I think it's pretty common to have more extreme fantasies while masturbating than while actually having sex, I've had fangisies of being caged up and literally force fucked for days! Definitely something I wouldn't enjoy in real life, it would go from pleasurable to painful real quick.

Updated by anonymous

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

I'd literally fuck anything kind of horny.

Updated by anonymous

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

Horny with a mix of lonelyness and depression... Normally one or the other, never both, usually the first one... ._.

Updated by anonymous

Voice_of_Treason said:
I'd literally fuck anything kind of horny.

Updated by anonymous

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

The "Maybe if I jerk it, I'll be able to fall asleep" boner-onset insomnia.

Updated by anonymous

Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Because America tends to be an asshole to other countries sometimes? Not all the time, mind you, but some.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

post #122606
Cuz they are super jelly of all this freedom.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Well, America doesn't really have the best relationship with other countries. That, and obesity, stupid gun laws, patriotism, fair amounts of bigotry towards pretty much anything that isn't a white American male..


Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America?

Because we were one of the few countries to emerge as a superpower after the war and they think they can gain higher status by bringing us to our knees.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Because people have unrealistic expectations from the most economically and militarily powerful nation in the history of humanity.

Remember: It's only imperialism if America does it.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Because they jelly of our FREEDOM
post #334233

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
Do porn artists ever masturbate to their own porn, or is there something about the creation process that sexually separates them from their own work?

I can't for two reasons. One, because I am one of the ones who is critical of his own work, and two, because I feel a certain bond with something I've had a hand in creating. It would make me feel as if I were jerkin to my kid (though I don't have one) and I don't play that.

When you masturbate, what kind of horny are you?

I'm either bored, so I look for anything that may turn the switches, looking for a sleep aid, or just really need to get off. Very rarely though I'll feel as if I'm "craving" it.

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

I believe the episode of South Park "Osama bin Laden has Farty Pants" sums it up best.

Kyle: All right, I've had just about enough of this! They told us in school, and on TV, that most people in Pakistan and Afghanistan like America.

Boy in Blue Vest: And you believe it? It is not just the Taliban that hates America. Over a third of the world hates America!

Stan: But why? Why does a third of the world hate us?

Boy in Blue Vest: Because, you don't realize that a third of the world hates you!!!

Stan: [considers the argument...] ...That doesn't make sense. You guys are just buttholes!

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Why are there people who hate America? (9/11 is coming up, so I just had to ask this)

Because America is filled with assholes like me.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Updated by anonymous

Voice_of_Treason said:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Updated by anonymous

Voice_of_Treason said:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Depends if his name is Chuck or not...


How much pone does a pony pone?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Depends if his name is Chuck or not...


How much pone does a pony pone?

Ponies pwn all the poon

Updated by anonymous