Are there any good games along the likes of post #1557067 and post #1924665?
(Paraphore and My Very Own Lith, respectively)
Updated by Pup
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
Are there any good games along the likes of post #1557067 and post #1924665?
(Paraphore and My Very Own Lith, respectively)
Updated by Pup
Updated by anonymous
Sorrowless said:
id: 1852937
Oh man, Monster Mind is definitely a great one.
There's also trials_in_tainted_space and corruption_of_champions, both games by Fenoxo, though the latter has been completed and abandoned, and picked up by a team of modders.
Playshapes' games had potential, but sadly the two big ones seem long abandoned.
Updated by anonymous
Just thought I'd add a link for the Corruption of Champions mod, that's still being updated:
To play them offline you can download Adobe's Flash Projector here:
You'll want the "Flash Player projector" link, and I was pleasantly surprised to see downloads for Linux and Mac, as well as Windows.
Updated by anonymous