Suggested Tag Changes
I'm trying to clean up the autofellatio solo fellatio sex tag search and any image where a character is knotting their own mouth is automatically implicated to both sex and fellatio if oral_knotting is tagged.
post #1599832 post #1469913 post #1300611
I think it'd be a good idea to replace oral_knotting's implication of fellatio with oral_penetration instead.
This also affects images where someone is using a knotted dildo to masturbate with.
post #1359045 post #1397205 post #1339002
So I think it would also be a good idea to change knotting's implication from sex to penetration.
As a side note: I found a similar thread from 2015, and they suggest replacing any "knot" related tags with just autoknotting.
What does everyone think? I'd love to get some feedback on this.
(Edited to clarify my suggestions.)