Topic: Tag Alias: roxanne -> roxanne_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing roxanne → roxanne_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


There are a good number of characters and even a couple artists named "Roxanne". The tag index shows at least thirty tags that start with "roxanne".

In addition, roxanne_(character) also needs to be aliased to roxanne_(disambiguation), since no one "Roxanne" should have control over it. roxanne_(character) was previously occupied by a female white-furred fox character also nicknamed minty_freshness, but I have changed that character's tag to roxanne_(minty_freshness) so she would have both names in one tag. (I also suggest that minty_freshness be aliased to roxanne_(minty_freshness) as a result, as well as roxanne_(custard) to roxanne_(minty_freshness) as Custard is the FA name of the character's owner.)


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