Topic: Tag Alias: testicle_growth -> balls_expansion

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Genjar said:
-1, alias to ball_growth instead.
*_growth is when a character grows entirely new parts (usually involves gender_transformation), whereas *_expansion is for existing parts becoming larger (usually inflation, size transformation, etc).

Well thats a problem then, because Ball_Growth is aliased to Ball_Expansion, which clearly contradicts that statement and furthermore if it is meant to be used when a character grows a new part, getting rid of it via alias is not the right path either.

Updated by anonymous

genjar said:
*_growth is when a character grows entirely new parts (usually involves gender_transformation), whereas *_expansion is for existing parts becoming larger (usually inflation, size transformation, etc).

I don't think I'd agree with that. Or at least, it leaves some holes. An ftm (or ftg/fth) transformation will typically have penis_growth, but it's often depicted as the clitoris expanding into a penis. So with this setup, it would be clitoris_expansion rather than penis_growth, but the clitoris becomes a penis so it doesn't end with just an enlarged/expanded clitoris.

Similarly, human to anthro or feral transformations can also include things like claw_growth, snout_growth, and ear_growth. Some artists depict claws being their own separate thing that comes from the finger tips or under the fingernails, while others depict them as fingernails becoming claws. And sometimes you can't see how the claws come to being, either because there's fingernails in one frame and claws in another without showing a change or replacement, or because the art design doesn't show human fingernails. But the result is the same, the human fingers becomes more paw-like with claws, with the claws growing from somewhere. The snout is basically just an extension of the face, not a whole new part, but calling it face_expansion seems weird, while snout_growth makes sense. ear_expansion also makes me think of something like a human ear becoming a bigger human ear, rather than rounded human ears on the side of the head becoming furry animal ears near the top of the head. ear_growth makes more sense to me than ear_expansion for that.

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