(Mainly posting this as a heads up & question. To offer Seth alternative to FULL DoNotPost)
So I wandered across a blog post by Seth-Iova (aka Leosaeta)
"I've stopped posting here since everything I post here goes up on e621 even after I asked people not to post it there"
Then ten of the people (about a third of the repliers) who replied to the blog post suggested Seth-Iova get himself added to e621's DNP list.
Currently e621 has 901 posts of Seth-Iova art,
so (in my opinion) it would be sad if all of Seth's art became DNP.
So i posted a reply (see blog link above)
(hopefully not overstepping)
suggesting instead of FULL-DNP
that Seth could maybe could get himself added to e621's Conditional DNP list
and that I assumed it might be possible to have Seth's Conditional DNP be: rated-Explicit cub art is DNP, (and maybe rated-Questionable cub art is DNP).
(No indication if Seth read my suggestion)
Would a Conditional DNP for Seth-Iova's art of
"rated-Explicit cub art is DNP, rated-Questionable cub art is DNP."
be do-able?
( EDIT: not completely happy with my wording above, but after 1am here so i think will do for now)
Updated by Versperus