Hi everyone :)
I'm making a mobile app using the API right now and from time to time I get 403 responses from Cloudflare instead of normal ones.
I think the user agent is set correctly everywhere - it's "<app name>/1.0 (by neopero)" and I'm making no more than 1 request per 15 seconds so way below the 1 per second limit that's mentioned.
When I try to perform a request from a web app (to be able to print the response directly to my browser) I see what I'm getting is a CAPTCHA screen. There's no way I could show this to a mobile user so my question is - how can I handle it?
I know there's been a DDOS situation sometime ago that made this happen to everyone but right now other apps (like e621.us.to) work fine, so I'm assuming Cloudflare is just targetting me as "suspicious".
Thanks for any help!
Updated by thell