Topic: Wasps

Posted under Off Topic

Okay, so the title might not be very descriptive, but let me explain. We live in a town house with a lake behind it. That means we have a literal fuck-ton of insects and spiders around here. That includes wasps. Anyway, my mom noticed a wasp flying around the master bathroom a few days ago. She's been busy fixing the bathroom ventilation fan, so it's been off and the cover's been removed. At first, we thought it was a one-time thing. A wasp found its way into the ventilation system. No big deal, right? Well, not exactly. My mom saw another one last night. Okay. Another fluke. Nope. There was another wasp in the bathroom when we were putting up the new shower curtain rod today. We're not sure whether or not they're building a nest, because the one place they would build it is impossible to see or reach.

We may or may not have wasps nesting in our roof.


Kämpfer said:
Be careful about killing them near the nest. They'll release attack pheromones, and those are about as good as they sound. Your only options really are to call an exterminator or let them bee.

This. Or poltely tell the to buzz off. :V

I wish I could say something more helpful... ._.
inb4 Actini

Updated by anonymous

An exterminator might be extremely expensive since they have to get into the house. you might want to look into getting a bug bomb and staying in a hotel for a few days if the problem persists.

I've had a little more experience with wasps and other asshole bees, I just hope you can run fast if you decide to get a can of RAID and spray the hell out of those motherfuckers. If you can find their entry point you can take out the lot of them on the outside of the house. Just be careful because I don't want you to get swarmed.

Updated by anonymous

This forum always surprises me, sometimes it's all about implications and tag edits. Other times it's about just random shit like wasps nests in attics. Makes me wonder if talking about finishing watchdogs on the forums would be okay.

Anyway, Wasps nests in attics can get CRAZY big. Do not even go up there until an exterminator comes and checks it out. If you disturb them even a little bit they will rain hell upon you and your family.

EDIT: Wtf why are my spaces after . , and ' not working properly?

Updated by anonymous

It's actually pretty easy to exterminate things yourself.
All you need is a can of air freshener and a lit match.
Or a pound of C4.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's actually pretty easy to exterminate things yourself.
All you need is a can of air freshener and a lit match.
Or a pound of C4.


Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's actually pretty easy to exterminate things yourself.
All you need is a can of air freshener and a lit match.
Or a pound of C4.

Of course then they'll be posting next about the fire in their attic and the hole in their roof. OP is better off calling an exterminator. They have protective gear and get paid to be stung. Better them than you if there's a whole nest up there.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Poor wasps. Don't get me wrong; they're mean bastards and I'd want them gone too but I think it's sad to see so many go like that.

Even the exterminator said he felt sorry for them in that article.

Here's the solution.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
Did you hear about the fucking giant wasp nest that appeared in some english lady's bed?

Oh wow. My reaction is a lot like Kampfer and the exterminator's reactions were. Those wasps were amazingly productive. It's kind of tragic they all had to be killed. It was a bad location, and I don't know that there was any other practical option for moving them. But it is still a shame. RIP wasps.

There's some wasps that live in the enclosed railings of my porch. Got some RAID when I first moved in since I was thinking it was going to be a problem. But I must have a non-aggressive variety (yes, some species are) because in several years I have never been stung. And so the RAID has never been needed. As long as they leave me alone, I'm content to return the favor. Although if I had a bedroom-full, I don't think it'd leave me much choice but to have them exterminated. That's just too big to ignore and in a really bad location. Give it a year and they'd have taken over the whole house.

Updated by anonymous

Googling "Giant Wasp Nest" Get's pretty fucking insane.

Updated by anonymous

You guys are all saying "call an exterminator" or "stay in a hotel." Neither of those things are an option. We don't have the money, nor do we have a place for our pets to stay. We have wasp and hornet killer that we're going to spray through the vent, which will be temporarily covered beforehand. We also put a small amount of screening material over the fan cover that my mom will seal with caulk.

Updated by anonymous

No. I don't think my neighbors would appreciate it if I blew up the neighborhood.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
No. I don't think my neighbors would appreciate it if I blew up the neighborhood.

Tell them that you were celebrating September 16th :V

Updated by anonymous

1. Suit up in protective clothing

2. can of RAID in each hand.(not that light stuff either, I'm talking the heavy duty foggers)

3. Go in guns blazing, don't stop spraying till you run dry or either you or your enemies have fallen, stand and hold the line till dawn breaks.

4. If enemy reinforcements arrive and their numbers are too strong. Tactical retreat, toss a match or lighter into room. And fall back to minimum safe distance (May need to radio HQ and ask for a the special forces unit codenamed Fire department to provide fire support)

5. Resupply RAID cans then counterattack, now that the entrenched enemies are softened up. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.

elad said:
Did you hear about the fucking giant wasp nest that appeared in some english lady's bed?

All aboard the nope train to fuck-thatville

Updated by anonymous

Apparently, no one actually read the entire thing. The area where the wasps are cannot be reached from the inside. In order to reach it, we'd need to put a hole in the wall or roof and go in from the outside. Unfortunately, our subdivision won't allow us to do so.

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
1. Suit up in protective clothing

2. can of RAID in each hand.(not that light stuff either, I'm talking the heavy duty foggers)

3. Go in guns blazing, don't stop spraying till you run dry or either you or your enemies have fallen, stand and hold the line till dawn breaks.

4. If enemy reinforcements arrive and their numbers are too strong. Tactical retreat, toss a match or lighter into room. And fall back to minimum safe distance (May need to radio HQ and ask for a the special forces unit codenamed Fire department to provide fire support)

5. Resupply RAID cans then counterattack, now that the entrenched enemies are softened up. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.

All aboard the nope train to fuck-thatville

Can someone give this guy a promotion?

Anyway. As for "Protective clothing"

Literally just tuck some jeans into your socks. Put jeans over those jeans, then put a long-sleeve shirt on and tuck that into the first pair of jeans. Put on a much heavier hoodie and tuck it into the second pair of jeans, then wrap ducktape around the waist line where the shirt meats the jeans. Then ducttape the fly (Zipper) And duck-tape around your jeans and socks. Cram your feet into 2 big boots, ducttape around the boots and jeans. Then flip the hoodie up and take a sheet of clear plastic. (Binders typically have these) and cram it in followed by ducttape until there are no openings.

Then put on gloves and stuck the ends of the sleeves under the gloves. Ducttape the area between the glove and sleeves and then look for any other holes. Ducttape EVERYWHERE especially around the plastic part on your face.


Source: Myself, I made this suit fighting off a massive bee's nest out back at my fathers house when I was 16, little mofo's couldn't even come close to me.

Updated by anonymous


The area where the wasps are cannot be reached from the inside. In order to reach it, we'd need to put a hole in the wall or roof and go in from the outside. Unfortunately, our subdivision won't allow us to do so.

So, yeah. That's not an option.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
So, yeah. That's not an option.

Use steam? Like that steaming peguin thing

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Use steam? Like that steaming peguin thing

I have no clue what that is. :C I suppose I could leave the shower running with the fan on, but I don't know if that would work. The wasp spray should work, right? God, I hope so.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I have no clue what that is. :C I suppose I could leave the shower running with the fan on, but I don't know if that would work. The wasp spray should work, right? God, I hope so.

Steam should probably work too. Blocking the vent so none escapes and they suffocate in a kind of a sauna. Then you'll have to worry about clean up. *crosses fingers* I mentioned the penguin because that's what has been in infomertials for so much

Updated by anonymous

Put a screen on each of the vents, then save up money for an exterminator. The vents will keep them from coming out and attacking you until you can get a professional to get rid of them for you.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Put a screen on each of the vents, then save up money for an exterminator. The vents will keep them from coming out and attacking you until you can get a professional to get rid of them for you.

That's what we had planned. We're covering the bathroom vent with a screened cover.

Updated by anonymous

Tear down the place and build it up from scratch. It is the only way

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Tear down the place and build it up from scratch. It is the only way

Well, that would tear down all the other houses. I like my neighbors. :C

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Tear down the place and build it up from scratch. It is the only way

Tear down the place with J-DAMS

Side note: It's 4:30am, I'm so exhausted I started speaking Turing whal I was trying to comment.

Speaking? Can you speak in turing code?

Updated by anonymous

You think this is bad?

My dad just killed 3 black widows in our screened enclosure on our patio.
Looked up under a table in the corner and there's a good 20-so eggs there.
Black widow eggs.

What the fuck I don't think a nuke is good enough now

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Aw, why would you even do that… They kill other bugs.

Wasps' nest is one thing, black widows you can just put outside. They're one of the coolest web-dwelling spiders out there.

I guess I'm the only one who feels this way.

Although I will admit that spider eggs do make me feel uneasy...

Their bite can put me in the hospital and/or kill me

I'm totally going to let them live

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
If you're old enough to use this site, their bite won't kill you. And they'll only bite you if you make a move on them...

Actually, his age has nothing to do with it. He may have a health issue that prevents his body from fighting the venom correctly. I'd imagine it's similar to people that are allergic to bee stings. Also, I think the J-DAMs will be launched from Harriers. At least I hope so. C:

Updated by anonymous

Do you have a lot of identical kids working in a farm over there? Must be some alien shit then

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Well, it all depends. I assumed he didn't have any sort of condition. Generally, adults are at much less risk of dying from a black widow bite than children or the elderly. Of course you won't be in for a good time if one of them bites you even if you're the healthiest person in the world. Like he said, it would probably hospitalize you.
Me, I just leave black widows alone when I see them. I think they're neat. Then again, I've never had to deal with one in the house, so what can I say…

It really doesn't matter if they'll kill you or not, it will still hurt like a bitch. Fuck spiders, cept for daddy long legs, they alright with me.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
I don't mind spiders, but yeah, those are the only ones I don't get cautious around.

Speaking of those guys, I see them hanging around our beehives a lot around October… (on-topic!) gather a bunch of them and send them after the wasps.

I just try to avoid Brown Recluses. I care less if it kills me, but I don't to live with a huge ass hole in my flesh.

Updated by anonymous

Set up a couple high end speakers and just blair your favorite music...

I wonder what would happen. Wake up the neighborhood for starters...

Updated by anonymous

We have a barn funnel weaver living in our window frame. She's harmless, and when you disturb her, she moves like lightning into her hiding spot. I named her Gertrude. :3

Updated by anonymous

If you have close neighbors that like you they might allow you to stay a few days.

Updated by anonymous

We haven't seen any more wasps. Hopefully they're gone for good. I did kill a particularly stubborn fly today and now we need a new fly swatter.

Updated by anonymous

There was another one. I went to take a shower. I used the toilet, and got up to get in the shower and there was one crawling on the shower curtain. We sprayed it and sprayed into the vent fan. Hopefully they'll be dead soon, but we still need to get that cover put up ASAP.

Updated by anonymous

Actini-89 said:
[staring intensifies]

JoeX said:
There was another one. I went to take a shower. I used the toilet, and got up to get in the shower and there was one crawling on the shower curtain. We sprayed it and sprayed into the vent fan. Hopefully they'll be dead soon, but we still need to get that cover put up ASAP.


Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:

That was really good timing.

Updated by anonymous

Update: Wasps are all dead. We saturated them with a wasp killing spray. The vent cover has screening over it. so we don't have this problem in the future.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
While we're on the subject of stinging insects, our bees are incredibly aggressive this year, so we're probably going to have to kill the queen.
I've never seen a bee sting somebody through their clothes before…

It might bee an African killer bee hive you're dealing with, then. They seem to actively sting through clothing.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
If you're old enough to use this site, their bite won't kill you. And they'll only bite you if you make a move on them...

The venom can kill you if you don't get proper medical treatment fast enough.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:

WASP info

I know this thread's pretty much dead, but it might be my last opportunity to share what I know about the wonderful world of wasps (and bees)! Sorry if this post is a bit long, but here it goes:

1) All worker bees and wasps, i.e. the stingy, scary ones, are females.
2) The stinger is actually an ovipositor, hence why males cannot sting.
3) Males exist only to eat, mate, and generally be useless pieces of shit (I'm still talking about hymenopterans, guys). If that sounds like the high life to you, keep in mind that if he does succeed in mating, he explodes, and not just in the good way. And if he doesn't find a queen to mate with, his sisters will sting the shit out of him and leave him to die of exposure in the winter. (Drones are from Mars, queens and workers are from Venus…)
4) Bees can survive temperatures one degree higher than wasps, so the only logical way to deal with wasps is to cluster around them and raise the temperature to one degree above the wasp's tolerance.
5) Despite generating much less body heat than mammals, bees are able to raise the temperature of their hives enough to survive winter.
6) While a beehive won't survive a full-on assault from a wasp colony, bees use the above method to eliminate wasp scouts.
7) Yes, I said wasp scouts. Bees and wasps use aerial dance moves to communicate things such as the locations of other hives or food. Bees and wasps can travel several miles from their colonies and keep track of these things this way.
8) If a queen does not mate, the unfertilized eggs will produce male offspring. If she does mate, she will produce female offspring.
9) If a bee stings a mammal, the stinger will be torn out of the bee's abdomen, leaving it to die, but not before spewing its guts all over you. While a wasp can sting repeatedly, the bee's stinger will continue to inject venom after the bee is dead. (A bee can still sting insects repeatedly without dying.)
10) A very large number of terrestrial plants depend on bees for reproduction.
11) Bees are generally more forgiving than wasps and will almost never sting if you are not near their hive. Some wasps are more aggressive than others. Yellow jackets often sting without provocation.
12) A dead bee or wasp can still sting you if you step on it.
13) Many wasps are predatory. Some of them even eat small spiders.
14) Not all bees and wasps are colonial. Many are solitary.
15) Many flightless wasps, such as the "Velvet ant," are often mistaken for ants, hence the name.
16) One bee will produce about a teaspoon of honey throughout its entire life.
17) The expression "Busy as a bee" likely comes from the way that a worker bee that hatches in summer will often work itself to death.
18) Bees can lift a higher percentage of their own weight than ants, and they can fly while doing it. Suck on that, ants.
19) Bees are suffering from "Colony Collapse Disorder," which is about as good as it sounds. It is caused by a variety of things ranging from invasive mites to (possibly) radio waves. It is a threat not only to the honey industry but many plants that rely on bees to pollinate them.
20) Parasitoid wasps rank among the most abhorrent of Mother Nature's little abominations, injecting their larvae into poor, innocent creatures ranging from spiders to caterpillars. The prey are then consumed, sometimes while alive, from the inside.
Leave it to nature to give us something so simultaneously horrifying and amazing as the hymenopterans!

The dreadful 20.
Also what about hornets, don't forget about hornets.

Updated by anonymous

NoctemWerewolf said:
The dreadful 20.
Also what about hornets, don't forget about hornets.

I think hornets are just a subspecies of wasp. The colonial ones, if I recall.
*Checks Google* (Hey, I'm no entomologist.)
Okay, "Hornet" apparently refers to wasps that build paper nests.
This is just based on my personal experiences and not any statistics or research, but I think hornets tend to be the meanest of the wasps. Bald-faced hornets are some evil bitches.

Unrelated: Look how fuzzy this bee is!

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
I think hornets are just a subspecies of wasp. The colonial ones, if I recall.
*Checks Google* (Hey, I'm no entomologist.)
Okay, "Hornet" apparently refers to wasps that build paper nests.
This is just based on my personal experiences and not any statistics or research, but I think hornets tend to be the meanest of the wasps. Bald-faced hornets are some evil bitches.

Unrelated: Look how fuzzy this bee is!

Bees are the cutest insects ever. If it wouldn't squish them, I'd cuddle them.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Bees are the cutest insects ever. If it wouldn't squish them, I'd cuddle them.

You'd think it would be hard to feel sorry for a creature willing to rip its guts out to hurt you a little bit.

Those poor, stupid arthropods…

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
I think hornets tend to be the meanest of the wasps. Bald-faced hornets are some evil bitches.

One attacked me for 5 minutes a couple of weeks ago,

Unrelated: Look how fuzzy this bee is!

Bees at least polinate flowers, Hornets attack for fun.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
You'd think it would be hard to feel sorry for a creature willing to rip its guts out to hurt you a little bit.

Those poor, stupid arthropods…

That's so true. For example, a fly couldn't find its way out of a house with a wall missing.

Updated by anonymous

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