Updated by Zermelane
Posted under Off Topic
Updated by Zermelane
Try refreshing the page until you see something unusual.
Updated by anonymous
my attention span is too short
i'm not gonna keep refreshing the page until it shows https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/internet-screamers
Updated by anonymous
Munkelzahn said:
my attention span is too short
i'm not gonna keep refreshing the page until it shows https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/internet-screamers
Those are not screamers, at least not intentionally.
Updated by anonymous
You get anomalous results faster on this than you would get on https://thispersondoesnotexist.com . I guess the AI isn't trained well enough or it's just not good with cats.
Updated by anonymous
Like an SCP generator. Yeeah.
Updated by anonymous
Wow, I got something weird the first click...
Updated by anonymous
Click, Cat.
Click. Another cat.
Click. Yet another cat.
Click. Oh god!
Updated by anonymous
randomguy85 said:
You get anomalous results faster on this than you would get on https://thispersondoesnotexist.com . I guess the AI isn't trained well enough or it's just not good with cats.
They're too fuzzy with an undefined shape
Updated by anonymous
The technology you use to generate these really depends on having a big and clean training set. If you give it a training set that has pictures of cats in all sorts of different poses and environments, cropped differently, and sometimes has stuff in them like a person holding the cat... yeah, it's going to do some pretty weird stuff. It does pretty well with the cats' heads, though.
Updated by anonymous