Topic: [Feature] Make "voteddown:me" a functional blacklist term

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Hides posts that have been downvoted by the user. Doesn't seem to be implemented/working yet, as of this post.
Why would it be useful?
Say there's an image or several that you just can't stand, enough to never want to see again. But most, if not all, of the tags it appears in are enjoyable, or at least not problematic enough to blacklist. Yet you still don't want those particular posts to keep appearing for you.
Ideally, if said posts are already downvoted by you, simply pop "voteddown:me" into your blacklist and Presto, Voila, Et Cetera. Posts hidden.
I feel like this would be an excellent "Don't like? Don't Look" method for quite a few people, being able to just downvote something undesirable and move on.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Tag search, I guess? Plus any other pages where posts can be hidden by the viewers' blacklists.

Also, apologies for the blank thread prior to editing, if anyone saw that. Friggin mobile keyboard.

Updated by user 22273

I doubt changes will be made anytime soon. Except that there is a beta site. Maybe it is easier to code for that.

My solution is to add -voted:me or -voteddown:me to searches, and paste those on my profile or bookmark them. I prefer the first one when I don't want to see images I have upvoted or downvoted.

It can be -voteddown:x. The text doesn't matter. me is just intuitive.

Updated by anonymous

I can certainly say that that would be much more convenient to use than the ability to blacklist individual posts.

Updated by anonymous

Considering that this means loading the list of votes for every post on a page. I feel somewhat assured to saying that it is deeply unlikely that this will ever happen. It requires loading too much information.

Updated by anonymous

There is also the issue that this would definitely make a whole bunch of people mass down vote things just to get them out of their sight instead of making any attempt to blacklist actual tags.

Updated by anonymous

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