Topic: Tag Alias: will_(artist) -> konsuke

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing will_(artist) → konsuke
Link to alias


New name.

This artist's website now uses the name "konsuke" and their current Twitter does as well.
However, there are still some remnants of the old name "will" on the old website. (post #5973)
contains the signature ウイル (Will)
名前:こんすけ (Name: konsuke)
MSN: [email protected]

Also found some references online that point to that URL as "Will's new site".
And of course, the copious drawings of the character Kogenta from Onmyou Taisenki.

Sorry it's not the clearest proof, but a lot of internet sleuthing has led me to this conclusion.

The artist's currently updated sites are:

EDIT: The tag alias will_(artist) -> konsuke (forum #280951) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

-1 on the grounds I don't think their name was translated properly the first time, and will is much to vague a name to be aliased to one person in my opinion. Artist only has a few posts on site, which could be changed to proper name by hand.

Updated by anonymous

Versperus said:
-1 on the grounds I don't think their name was translated properly the first time, and will is much to vague a name to be aliased to one person in my opinion. Artist only has a few posts on site, which could be changed to proper name by hand.

Will is actually correct by every online source I can find.

Edit: it is also a transliteration not a translation.

Updated by anonymous

deadoon said:
Will is actually correct by every online source I can find.

Edit: it is also a transliteration not a translation.

you shouldn't go completely to English but like, the English spelling. where it shows Uiru I think Furrin Gok is better at this than I am

Updated by anonymous

Though the preferred romanization was definitely "will" as evidenced by the email address and previous domain ( ), I see your point. I'll just manually change them to konsuke.

Updated by anonymous

Versperus said:
you shouldn't go completely to English but like, the English spelling. where it shows Uiru I think Furrin Gok is better at this than I am

The Japanese wiki link literally says it is "will", references the english definition, has the Latin character spelling of the word, says it is the truncated form of William with a link to people like Will Smith, companies literally called will(in latin characters) and even some songs called both will in latin characters as well as Japanese.

Uiru is the direct transliteration into English and is pronounced similar to oo-ee-roo, and gets fixed into will, and used as such.

Updated by anonymous