Topic: Question: tidying up the vaporwave/synthwave tags?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

the vaporwave tag and the synthwave tag are used a bit in fling, despite there being a significant difference in vapor and synth aesthetics.
currently the vaporwave tag is filled with synthwave/outrun-styled art.
id be down to change the tags, but i dont know what e6's policy on this deal is.

do u consider synthwave a subgenre of vaporwave? (i definitely dont, but some folks might) if thats the case should all synthwave art be tagged with BOTH vaporwave and synthwave?
do u wanna sepperate the tags so synthwave and vaporwave art are completely separate?
do we just deicide between these tags based on feeling, or do you wanna setup some kind of checklist to determine between them?
i just want a go from an authority boi before i go mass-change tags only to realise that the admin crew has a different view on this.

First thing I would do is properly define the synthwave tag. Afterwards, you're more than welcome to add the synthwave tag on the appropriate images; though I'm not sure about the vapor/synthwave difference, so best wait for an admin response before removing the tag from anything.

foxybomb said:

First thing I would do is properly define the synthwave tag. Afterwards, you're more than welcome to add the synthwave tag on the appropriate images; though I'm not sure about the vapor/synthwave difference, so best wait for an admin response before removing the tag from anything.

went for your suggestion.
did a description of synthwave to the best i could.
also added a fuckton of synthwave tags to posts under the vaporwave tag.
im not an expert on synthwave/outrun aesthetics so if someone whos really good with outrun/cyberpunk/synthwave/retrowave aesthetics comes along and could tweak things up a bit, thatd be dope.

still hoping an admin out there can give greenlight for me to remove the vaporwave tag from pure synthwave posts (60% of posts under vaporwave are pure synthwave art)
If admins (or any1 else for that matter) doesnt get the distinction, heres a few examples



I took the liberty of doing a rewrite of the Synthwave wiki description, using the work AnArchie69 did as a basis. There's definitely a lot of confusion by uploaders/taggers over what is Vaporwave vs what's Synthwave, so thirding getting an admin to give the greenlight on mass retagging. There's definitely a difference between the two, and while they're related, I wouldn't call Synthwave a subgenre of Vaporwave.

You could probably come up with a pretty clear list of things that you could use to determine if an image is Synthwave or Vaporwave.


freeneko said:
I took the liberty of doing a rewrite of the Synthwave wiki description, using the work AnArchie69 did as a basis. There's definitely a lot of confusion by uploaders/taggers over what is Vaporwave vs what's Synthwave, so thirding getting an admin to give the greenlight on mass retagging. There's definitely a difference between the two, and while they're related, I wouldn't call Synthwave a subgenre of Vaporwave.

You could probably come up with a pretty clear list of things that you could use to determine if an image is Synthwave or Vaporwave.

thx a ton for pimpin the wiki descriptions up.
recently checked the vaporwave tag and i think someone who saw this thread has already started cleaning up.
synthwave tag is a ton bigger than vapor tag by now and most pure synthwave posts have been purged from the vapor tag.

since its already come this far we might as well just roll with this now.
ill sniff through the vaporwave tag an extra time to make sure all posts are tagged gudly.
nice work to every1 involved.