Aliasing foxefuel → fuel_(artist)
Link to alias
foxefuel is their tumblr name, more distinct and easier to type than fuel_(artist).
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing foxefuel → fuel_(artist)
Link to alias
foxefuel is their tumblr name, more distinct and easier to type than fuel_(artist).
JAKXXX3 said:
Aliasing foxefuel → fuel_(artist)
Link to aliasReason:
foxefuel is their tumblr name, more distinct and easier to type than fuel_(artist).
... so, reverse? Or manually clean, since I am hesitant about aliasing site suffixes.
Updated by anonymous
Siral_Exan said:
... so, reverse? Or manually clean, since I am hesitant about aliasing site suffixes.
Oh, I just wanted the ability to just use foxefuel when adding tags, I don't care too much which is the parent tag. Also, I believe they only use "foxefuel" for their tumblr, their signature is just "fuel".
Updated by anonymous