The tag implication #31877 robot -> cyborg has been rejected.
Reason: Only for warframe posts as warframes are not robots as they were human before being given a controlled infestation to augment their bodies by altering the structure and mind wiping them.
This means they can only be classed as cyborgs at best because they don't have any mechanical foundation or programming. The somatic link is installed in them, but this is effectively only
a telepathic control stick.
For lore confirmation:
- see "the sacrifice" quest and the vitruvian left by ballas.
- see "the sacrifice" quest scenes where Umbra is converted.
- see Excalibur Umbra, a unique frame who still has memory and free will.
EDIT: The tag implication robot -> cyborg (forum #288590) has been rejected by @Millcore.
Updated by auto moderator