Topic: Any way to hide/block the 'lore' section of the tags?

Posted under General

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I really don't care what gender the artist says their character is, and it's ruining my fapping experience because "ha ha this is actually a boy/girl lol i trol u ha ha ha". How do I permanently remove the presence of these objectively bad tags?

Updated by KiraNoot

thevileone said:
Add <insert gender here>_(lore) to your blacklist.

I don't want to hide the actual posts, just the 'lore' section of the tags within the post. Like making the actual tags themselves not show up.

The only way this would be possible if e621 saved a cookie or had a profile setting that saved the collapse status of a field. Maybe it could be hidden with CSS / e621 mod.

catachan said:
I really don't care what gender the artist says their character is, and it's ruining my fapping experience because "ha ha this is actually a boy/girl lol i trol u ha ha ha". How do I permanently remove the presence of these objectively bad tags?

You probably could have made the request without telling us about your fapping experience.

Is it really necessary to berate the person asking the question instead of trying to answer it?

OP, put .lore-tag-list, .lore-tag-list-header { display: none !important; } on your Custom CSS box (Account > Settings > Advanced)

mabit said:
Is it really necessary to berate the person asking the question instead of trying to answer it?

I didn't have the answer, and telling people that you're fapping is creepy. So, yes.

marflebark said:
Then don't read the tags. Just look and focus on the art. If what a CHARACTER'S OWNER says about THEIR character is such a big deal to you, then maybe you should go to [3 piracy sites removed], FA, or some other place where tagging isn't enforced and misgendering is the order of the day despite what the CHARACTER OWNER says.

FA, a site where ARTIST'S tag the picture (so only lore tags) and tags are not worth a damn. What a genius response

Updated by Millcore

ccoyote said:
You probably could have made the request without telling us about your fapping experience.

what site do you think you're on buddy

catachan said:
what site do you think you're on buddy

A furry art archive. Yes, furries draw a lot of porn but that is not the sites only deal.


"Creepy Comments
Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

Creating forum posts, threads, or comments that cause an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease, or are sexually inappropriate

This is intended to ensure that users do not express their personal fetishes/desires publicly. Users have the right, within realistic expectations, to browse comfortably without unneeded or unnecessary commentary of those who wish to express their desires."

Just as a heads up

catachan said:
what site do you think you're on buddy

Looks like your question's already been answered, pal. No one here wants to know about your wanking, and if they do, then you can tell them out of earshot of the rest of us.

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