Topic: I discovered a tag called "inaccurate knotting" and I think it applies to most of the knotting images on this website.

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Someone made a tag called "inaccurate knotting" which applies to when the knot is inserted after it inflates. In normal canine anatomy the entire penis is inserted before the knot swells inside, locking the two together.

I think it would make an interesting tag for knot fetishists. My character's knot just inflates right before orgasm.

Only furries, ones to go into immaculate detail about anatomy and then throw it out the window.

I mean considering how often it's done wrong, having a tag called "accurate knotting" would make more sense for the times its anatomically correct.

ryukyuan said:
immaculate detail about anatomy

Peak humour.

The majority of furries' knowledge of animalian biology in general is surface level, supplemented by hearsay, conjecture, and whatever the artistic standards are at the time.

kithdragon said:
*Pop* ... It doesn't work that way.

It can work like that if the specieses are different. Example a fully inflated canin knot can in real life be inserted in and out of a human vagina. So not all the poping is wrong but generaly are.

I would really really appreciate an accurate_knotting tag.
Also in my opinion the knotting tag doesn't do what it should. Maybe organizing that would also solve a bit of the problem

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