Topic: Why does forced_oral imply forced when forced_oral doesn't have to be non-con?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

forced: "images, flashes, or animations showing one character making another character doing something they do not want to do"

forced oral: "It is sometimes a nonconsensual act of rape, but also happens to be a common theme in domination/submission sex."

If "forced oral" can happen without a character necessarily being forced into it, why does it imply "forced"? If it's because the receiving character doesn't have control over the sitatuion, then shouldn't bondage also imply "forced" in that case? Or fully bound if "bondage" is too general for the point. I know there's been some previous discussion about the tag name itself, sorry if I'm stirring up a hornet's nest, but I haven't seen the implication get discussed. Am I misreading the descriptions, or do they contradict each other?

Because the "forced" tag also does not have to be non-con. Its wiki page just needs further clarification. It does say that it may refer to things being done against a character's will, it just doesn't bother going on to clarify (as it ought to, because of how the tag is actually used) that it doesn't necessarily mean something's being done against a character's will. Just as with forced_oral, the forced tag merely means somebody isn't in control of something being done to/with them, not necessarily that they don't want it.

If the "forced" tag isn't meant to be used for situations where someone is being forced into something then what is it used for, and in that case, how come the various bondage tags don't have the implication?

The forced tag is meant to be used for situations where somebody is being forced into something...but it also covers situations where the character is going along with, and enjoying, something that's being done to them which they have no control over. Likewise, forced_oral doesn't automatically mean somebody's being face-raped (though it can), just that somebody else is in control of the pace, strength, etc. of the oral sex.

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