Topic: Question / Possible Addition to tagging

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Well ive noticed that there are a handful of people out there that color others images, then claim it as theirs while thats wrong ive noticed that we dont have a tag for them.

How would a coloring:username tag sound for that? I mean we have arist:username, why not one for the people who color it. so then they could go artist:username coloring:username (assorted other tags). Would also give the mods somthn to tell them to use if they simply try to claim it as there work instead of telling them just no to do it.

((BBL gota run!))

Updated by TonyCoon

Could just mark it as an edit, it basically is one.
Unless that wouldn't be sufficiently specific.

Updated by anonymous

No. Just add a second artist:artistname alongside the artist of the original image.

Updated by anonymous

A few things to note, first and foremoest

1: Anyone who colors another persons artwork {The artwork was already worked on by someone prior to them in any way shape or form}, must tag the artists who worked on the picture irrelevant of weather they finished it or not. If they do not it will be considered art theft.

2: We do not have a tag specific to artists who simply color other peoples artwork, my personal suggestion would be to use artist:Name_(Coloring)

Updated by anonymous

alright, wat i was meaning btw was an additional tag for it along with the artist who drew its tag.

Threads run its course.

Updated by anonymous

2: We do not have a tag specific to artists who simply color other peoples artwork, my personal suggestion would be to use artist:Name_(Coloring)

Hmm, but then a search for "Name" won't turn up that post.

Updated by anonymous

RenaKunisaki said:
Hmm, but then a search for "Name" won't turn up that post.

name* would

Updated by anonymous

or a certain color for just plain editing by person....
along with coloring....

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
name* would

but how often do you add an asterisk to the artist name you're looking for?

Updated by anonymous

Don't add (coloring), just add the person's name like any other artist.

Updated by anonymous

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