The bulk update request #133 is active.
create alias accidental_nudity (3) -> accidental_exposure (2254)
create implication accidental_incest (0) -> incest_(lore) (54774)
create implication accidental_sex (240) -> sex (1068488)
Reason: After checking topic #26909, I noticed there are a lot of missing accident implications.
Pretty straight forward. Accidental_(blank) implies both an accident and (blank). I think accidental on its own is vague and should probably be a disambiguation tag, but the BUR won't let me create it and I can't find an existing request for that, just one for accidental -> accident at topic #25033.
As Genjar pointed out below, accident on it's own is vague and many of the tagged pictures have nothing in common, so accident itself should probably be a disambiguation tag.
I was going to add accidental_exposure -> exposure, but the latter specifies exposed genitals while the former includes exposed underwear. There's also accidentally_gay and accidentally_straight, but I don't think there's any direct implications there aside from maybe stated_homosexuality and stated_heterosexuality.
EDIT: The bulk update request #133 (forum #293659) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator