Topic: [APPROVED] Accident tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #133 is active.

create alias accidental_nudity (3) -> accidental_exposure (2254)
create implication accidental_incest (0) -> incest_(lore) (54774)
create implication accidental_sex (240) -> sex (1068488)

Reason: After checking topic #26909, I noticed there are a lot of missing accident implications.

Pretty straight forward. Accidental_(blank) implies both an accident and (blank). I think accidental on its own is vague and should probably be a disambiguation tag, but the BUR won't let me create it and I can't find an existing request for that, just one for accidental -> accident at topic #25033.

As Genjar pointed out below, accident on it's own is vague and many of the tagged pictures have nothing in common, so accident itself should probably be a disambiguation tag.

I was going to add accidental_exposure -> exposure, but the latter specifies exposed genitals while the former includes exposed underwear. There's also accidentally_gay and accidentally_straight, but I don't think there's any direct implications there aside from maybe stated_homosexuality and stated_heterosexuality.

EDIT: The bulk update request #133 (forum #293659) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator


Former Staff

Posts tagged as accident don't have much in common, and they'll have even less if tags such as accidental_exposure gets implicated. I'd go with disambiguation instead, accident is too ambiguous to keep.

A lot of the forced tags have nothing in common other than someone is being forced to do something. How is that not the same thing as this tag in which everything in it is accidental in some way?

Tags with broad meanings, but consistent meanings shouldn't be disambiguated because they are broad.


thevileone said:
A lot of the forced tags have nothing in common other than someone is being forced to do something. How is that not the same thing as this tag in which everything in it is accidental in some way?

Tags with broad meanings, but consistent meanings shouldn't be disambiguated because they are broad.

I'm guessing it's that way to make it easier to blacklist the various forced tags.

Personally, I don't feel particularly strong towards either solution for the accident tag. I'm fine with either disambiguating the tag or keeping the tag and implicating the various accident_* tags to it.