Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: ancient_rome -> roman

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #163 has been rejected.

create alias roman (647) -> ancient_rome (402)
create alias roman_empire (128) -> ancient_rome (402)
create alias rome (123) -> rome_(disambiguation) (0)

Reason: Some other tag variants for roman.


EDIT: The bulk update request #163 (forum #294124) has been rejected by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

There was ancient Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire which existed until 1806. I don't have a doubt that they called themselves Roman as well. Don't get me wrong, I think the alias is right but I think the description should be tweaked.

To be honest, I think the alias ought to be roman -> roman_empire or, if there are too many concerns about the Holy Roman Empire or modern day Rome, then roman -> rome_(disambiguation). After all, we don't tag american for things in the US, spanish for things in Spain (or worse, in Mexico), or japanese for Japan.

versperus said:
There was ancient Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire which existed until 1806. I don't have a doubt that they called themselves Roman as well. Don't get me wrong, I think the alias is right but I think the description should be tweaked.

I rather doubt it myself. The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman. Many of its people likely thought of themselves as German rather than Roman. While the Kingdom of Italy was part of the Holy Roman Empire during its greatest extent, they were more Italian than Roman. I doubt many nowadays, even in Europe, would associate "Roman" with the Holy Roman Empire. If a note needs to be made in the wiki, it should be to the effect of, "Any reference to the Holy Roman Empire should be tagged as holy_roman_empire, not as roman_empre."

magnuseffect said:
-1 on the hypothetical that someone could depict current-day Rome and tag it.

Current-day Rome should probably be tagged as rome_(modern) rather than roman. It'd be Italian and not Roman anyway.

After a search, I've found several other uses for the tag rome other than roman and the city, including several characters and an artist with this name. I'll change the alias to instead be rome -> rome_(disambiguation).

And aliasing everything else to ancient_rome would probably be better than aliasing them to roman or roman_empire. It's more descriptive in the tag's usage and avoids the problem of the tag being used for the Holy Roman Empire.

d.d.m. said:
And aliasing everything else to ancient_rome would probably be better than aliasing them to roman or roman_empire. It's more descriptive in the tag's usage and avoids the problem of the tag being used for the Holy Roman Empire.

Which would also allow us to throw in the indistinguishable earlier Roman Republic and the later Western and Eastern Roman Empires, although that last would probably be better off as byzantine_empire anyway.

Why are there so much rome?! Why aren't there more things that aren't rome?!
Please disregard my poor attempt at being funny. However, it does seem unlikely that any of those roman nations would be used as tags. If the need to tag them does arise, then the nation's name should be fine to use, like with the byzantine_empire.

d.d.m. said:
Why are there so much rome?! Why aren't there more things that aren't rome?!

Could be worse. We could be trying to distinguish between different versions of China. That's at least four thousand years of history as well as legendary prehistory before then.

However, it does seem unlikely that any of those roman nations would be used as tags. If the need to tag them does arise, then the nation's name should be fine to use, like with the byzantine_empire.

Pretty much my thoughts.


I'm wondering how to go about submitting another BUR for these tags, and would like to figure out what to do for them. I don't think we need each of these tags (ancient_rome, rome, roman, and roman_empire), since they all seem to be for the same thing. However, I'd like to know what folks think. What tags should be aliased away and what tags should be kept?

d.d.m. said:
I'm wondering how to go about submitting another BUR for these tags, and would like to figure out what to do for them. I don't think we need each of these tags (ancient_rome, rome, roman, and roman_empire), since they all seem to be for the same thing. However, I'd like to know what folks think. What tags should be aliased away and what tags should be kept?

the only one I can see making sense to remove is roman_empire as it's vague as a motherfucker.
ancient_rome - I can see being used as a setting
rome - also can be used as a setting but without a age restriction? maybe an implication of ancient_rome -> rome
roman - I can see being used for attire, it's also a name but I don't really think it's clear enough personally and should instead be disambiguated.

Personally, I think ancient_rome is the only one of these tags that should be kept, for settings/attire that mimic the style of ancient_rome (or for settings/attire that are in ancient_rome). I think that roman_empire should be aliased to ancient_rome, and the rome/roman tags should be disambiguated (since these could also be used for numerous characters/artists that are named rome/roman).

If the city of Rome needs to be tagged (regardless of whether it's ancient-Rome or modern-Rome), then maybe rome_(city) could be used? And roman-style attire should probably be tagged with roman_clothing.

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