EsixSync is a tool (currently in command line) aims to provide an easy way to sync posts between local folder and sever.
- Functions ?
- You can stop during any progress of this tool without suffering download progress loss.
- You can sync between local folders and server. The program will determined which post was in download queue or already downloaded by itself.
- EsixSync support sync function with "repository". A repository is a folder itself.
- Will show dynamic progress bar and internet speed when you sync posts/pools in command line.
- How to use it ?
- First, use "esync add" command to add a repository.
- Second, use "esync update" command to update repository summary file.
- Thrid, use "esync sync" command to sync with e621 server.
- Is it safe to use ?
- It is a open source project hosted on github:
- You can review the code and pack it all by yourself.
- Where to download ?
- Github release page:
- Anyting else ?
- If you like this project, you can give me some suggest to make the project better!
- Feel free to modify these code. But please, make sure to keep it open source. (Thank you!)
- Please help me to pack esync into more platform if you willing to. :)
- Happy if you like it! OwO
- What's next ?
- Add GUI to EsixSync (May use Qt 5 Community).
- Make the program run faster.
- Simplify the code.
- Support commands:
Usage: esync <command>
Available commands: about | add | info | login | ls | plsearch | rebuild | rm | sync | updated
Usage: esync about
Print some information about this command line tool.
Usage: esync update [--repo $REPO_NAME]
Update summary file of a repository, leave blank for sync all repositories.
Usage: esync sync [--repo $REPO_NAME]
Sync file of a repository, leave blank for sync all repositories.
Usage: esync ls
List all repositories.
Usage: esync add --name $REPO_NAME --id $IDENTIFIER --type pool|posts --folder $FOLDER_PATH
Add a repository
Usage: esync remove $REPO_NAME
Remove a repository
Usage: esync rebuild --repo $REPO_NAME
If case you .summary file is broken, use rebuild command to make a valid .summary file.
But you have to update & sync the repo again from begging
Usage: esync info $REPO_NAME
List summary of a repository
Usage: esync plsearch --title $SEARCH_TITLE
Search pools with the title
Usage: esync login --uid $USER_ID --key $API_KEY [--logout]
Use login command will give you the ability to use your e621 account's blacklist settings and so on.
You can log out anytime with --logout option
Usage: esync rename --name $OLD_NAME --newname $NEW_NAME
Rename repo from name to newname
Usage: esync chdir --name $REPO_NAME --newfolder $NEW_FOLDER
Move repo storage folder to newfolder
Usage: esync help
List all commands you could use