Topic: Tag implication: cursed_item -> curse

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

A cursed item doesn't necessarily have to be currently inflicting a curse, does it? For instance, a ring that's just lying somewhere giving off a dark aura, but no one is wearing it and being afflicted by a curse, seems like it'd qualify for cursed_item but not curse.

watsit said:
A cursed item doesn't necessarily have to be currently inflicting a curse, does it? For instance, a ring that's just lying somewhere giving off a dark aura, but no one is wearing it and being afflicted by a curse, seems like it'd qualify for cursed_item but not curse.

I would say that generally, cursed_item status is only taggable when it is shown to be applying a curse but either way, it could be stated that the item itself contains or is subject to a curse.