Topic: Post #2344060 never got approved?

Posted under Art Talk

As you can see, post #2344060 was deleted because it never got approved, even though it's the first image of pool #21153, and the other two images in the pool did get approved. If the image didn't get approved because it's not "good enough" for this site, then what makes the other images different? If it's just a case where it was overlooked, then can it be restored or should I upload it again?

automoderation isn't always about quality, there is a huge influx of content and that which doesn't get janitor evaluation gets automatically deleted. Someone usually goes through and evaluates content which got auto deleted once every month or two

e621 needs to find more unpaid workers
Maybe there are bored rich perverted housewives / househusbands who want to help

munkelzahn said:
e621 needs to find more unpaid workers
Maybe there are bored rich perverted housewives / househusbands who want to help

Lowkey wonder if facebook jannies would have fewer mental breakdowns if they only had to review e621 content instead.

Maybe that's just being hopeful.

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