Topic: Don't know where else to meet new people who are into similar things such as I, so here I am making a cringe post on this site

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Hi, I know it's cringe and kinda dumb to make a post like this, but I thought I'd do it anyways. I just really want to meet new people that I can talk to and hopefully make friends with, especially since I'm going through a rough time in my life. I'm a 21 year old trans girl, but I haven't started HRT, but I hope to soon. I'm not the most exciting person; but I enjoy spending my time playing games, trying to draw, very rarely "reading" (usually its just stories and lore from games though), and just being comfy in bed doing random things on my laptop. I figure I can just make this post to talk to people and message, cause I can get shy, but still going to try anyways. I'll probably delete this post after however long, unless it goes against the rules or isn't cool, so if I need to I'll delete the post ;w; (if a mod doesn't) I'm not trying to step on any toes, or break any rules, I just use this site daily and thought I'd try to interact with the community a bit more. Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this dumb post, and I hope to meet some cool people <3 (and seriously, sorry if this isn't cool)

Whassup! Welcome to the community!
This post isn't cringy as making friends is a good thing to do! I usually don't go on this site to socialize and I am more into viewing the adult content, but lately I've been scouring the forum more than normal.
Most people are exciting in their own unique ways, don't let it get you down.
I wouldn't worry too much about breaking the rules, as long as no one gives away too much personal information and things don't get creepy or role-playee, I think things should be fine :D
It's interesting you're trans! I haven't met many trans people in my life, I grew up in the more.. Conservative part of this country so I never had much of an opportunity. Only in recent times have I interacted with trans people more and more and I'm glad to see a sorta cultural shift into more acceptance because I've never agreed with restricting someone's rights to be happy if they're not hurting anyone. Even then I don't know much about the lifestyle, mostly because I'm too embarrassed to ask haha!
Well, thanks for reading my little post! I hope life goes on the up-and-up for you!


little_lamb said:

I'm not looking to make any online friends right now, but I want you to know that I really resonated with your self-description (sounds just like me, actually), and I hope you find friendship and overcome your tough times.

poontang said:
Whassup! Welcome to the community!
This post isn't cringy as making friends is a good thing to do! I usually don't go on this site to socialize and I am more into viewing the adult content, but lately I've been scouring the forum more than normal.
Most people are exciting in their own unique ways, don't let it get you down.
I wouldn't worry too much about breaking the rules, as long as no one gives away too much personal information and things don't get creepy or role-playee, I think things should be fine :D
It's interesting you're trans! I haven't met many trans people in my life, I grew up in the more.. Conservative part of this country so I never had much of an opportunity. Only in recent times have I interacted with trans people more and more and I'm glad to see a sorta cultural shift into more acceptance because I've never agreed with restricting someone's rights to be happy if they're not hurting anyone. Even then I don't know much about the lifestyle, mostly because I'm too embarrassed to ask haha!
Well, thanks for reading my little post! I hope life goes on the up-and-up for you!


It's reassuring to hear that this isn't as dumb as I initially thought and that it isn't breaking some kinda rule :3 and I just figure I should mention to people that I'm trans cause I just want to be myself and make friends who can accept and support me ;w; it means a lot to see the responses to this post already, cause I was really anxious making it

notuncommon said:
I'm not looking to make any online friends right now, but I want you to know that I really resonated with your self-description (sounds just like me, actually), and I hope you find friendship and overcome your tough times.

I hope that's a good thing, I know I always find comfort in people who can relate to me, I appreciate the kind words. I hope so too. Everyday I get stronger, and each passing day gets a little easier

If you'd like to talk more I am up for it! Like I said before, I don't go on this site to socialize but if you hit me up I'll reply. The only thing I ask is you don't ask me questions that are too personal (like what I do or where I live etc), I like to keep my personal life private :)

You can join to the discord server of this site and try to talk there, also search for different discord servers of your interest.

blitzdrachin said:
You can join to the discord server of this site and try to talk there, also search for different discord servers of your interest.

I always join servers but then get too anxious and shy to interact in the server. I just don't do well in groups ;w; unless I'm really comfy, but it's hard to be that way in a new environment. Although despite that, I joined this sites discord server, I'm not sure it will be any different than usual. But I really just want to meet cool people that will be supportive of me, and that I can hopefully make meaningful friendships with ;w;

little_lamb said:
I always join servers but then get too anxious and shy to interact in the server. I just don't do well in groups ;w; unless I'm really comfy, but it's hard to be that way in a new environment. Although despite that, I joined this sites discord server, I'm not sure it will be any different than usual. But I really just want to meet cool people that will be supportive of me, and that I can hopefully make meaningful friendships with ;w;

I feel your pain but you gotta overcome it. If you can't push yourself to do things you don't otherwise enjoy, your life will turn to poopoo very quickly. Put yourself out there. Furries around here are cooler and not sick fucks or pedos or zoophiles. That's why I like it!

Hi, little_lamb. :) I'm glad to see you finding some community here. We all need a little support system of people who get us.

I see both good advice and bad advice among the responses. As a cisgender but LGBTQ person, I found that plugging into trans-friendly LGBTQ resources was so very helpful during my own coming out process. Like other traditionally marginalized groups of people, we have history and heritage, and learning about that was grounding for me. It helped me understand myself better.

As a person who can also be deeply introverted at times, I'll offer that sometimes life forces us to be among people when it's not comfortable, but it's okay for you to seek alone time, too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise -- being alone and having time to think is how people like us recharge. We don't have to push ourselves all the time or even most of the time.

Welcome to the site!

forthencho2 said:
I feel your pain but you gotta overcome it. If you can't push yourself to do things you don't otherwise enjoy, your life will turn to poopoo very quickly. Put yourself out there. Furries around here are cooler and not sick fucks or pedos or zoophiles. That's why I like it!

I can get what you mean, and that's why I'm joining servers anyways, and even making this post was extremely out of my comfort zone. So I'm really trying to push myself a bit

ccoyote said:
Hi, little_lamb. :) I'm glad to see you finding some community here. We all need a little support system of people who get us.

I see both good advice and bad advice among the responses. As a cisgender but LGBTQ person, I found that plugging into trans-friendly LGBTQ resources was so very helpful during my own coming out process. Like other traditionally marginalized groups of people, we have history and heritage, and learning about that was grounding for me. It helped me understand myself better.

As a person who can also be deeply introverted at times, I'll offer that sometimes life forces us to be among people when it's not comfortable, but it's okay for you to seek alone time, too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise -- being alone and having time to think is how people like us recharge. We don't have to push ourselves all the time or even most of the time.

Welcome to the site!

I'm definitely trying my best ;w; especially with what I've been going through I wanna make friends to have a support system, but also be there for them too. Just having nice and good friendships. I really want to try finding more trans-friendly resources and go to a doctor/therapist, I've just been really anxious for years now. Mainly cause I don't experience extreme dysphoria and I've always just known that I'm a girl.. It just feels right, and ever since I realized it I've been so much happier with myself. But since I don't really experience dysphoria that often, I'm scared they'll tell me I'm wrong or just saying that I'm trans ;w; But I hoped to try anyways soon, and hopefully not be told the things I'm worrying about. And I definitely know what you mean, despite wanting to talk more and meet new people, I definitely need my space and alone time sometimes to recharge and feel better when I'm really down

Im a pansexual(i guess thats intersex inclusive bisexual ) masculine leaning nonbinary person . While I feel that my physical genitalia o was born with technically makes me a "man" i do not believe that tastes in clothing and such makes someone the opposite sex. I have a beard and look manly by default and tend towards male mannerisms I deny gendered defintions ,that said ,i support trans and cis people but dont identify as anything but a human ( not an asexual human or agendered one just dont personally believe in labling my gender ).frankly id rather be a herm then a male of female, does that make me trans in a way ? Id prefer a ranma 1/2 style rather then both at the same time so i can experience both forms separatly .Id say i have some atteaction to intersex indivuals while prefering feminine ones over masculine ones.

For what its worth little lamb I wish you the best of luck. Both in making friends as well as with all the other things you will have to overcome.

I too know what its like to need space or get away for a while, in my case its from a combination of PTSD and autism with a little A.D.D thrown in for funzis.

Again best of luck and I hope you find all the strength and friendship you will need to get you to the place you need to be. Also if you want you can consider me as a friend.