Topic: [Feature] "Undertagged Tag of the Week"

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.

Once a week, moderators can make a sticky forum post so users can decide on a tag that is currently not being tagged as it should (for example, interspecies and/or intraspecies apply to almost every post that is tagged sex, but in practice most users don't know about them).

Then, the chosen tag will be displayed in the "News" banner at the top of the pages for a week to help raise awareness about it. The tag should have an objective definition in the wiki.

Why would it be useful?

Uncommon tags that apply to a large number of posts are stuck in a catch-22 situation, where they aren't tagged because people forget that they exist and people forget that they exist because they aren't tagged.

With a reminder above posts, users can tag what is applicable as they look through posts in the usual way, without affecting their routine.

This would allow for more efficient searching, since proper tagging makes the process easier.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

The "News" banner at the top.


gattonero2001 said:
Who curates the pool? I have a few tag suggestions

If they did this at all, I'd wager the staff would have to curate the pool, and automatically generated datasets could help them do this, but sensibly they'd probably seek info from the users or the forum because it'd be up to us to do a lot of the work on it anyways because they only have so many worker-hours to commit to such a thing, similar to how they already do for new tags and aliases.

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