Topic: Quadruped Pokemons height

Posted under Art Talk

So, quadruped animal height is measured by taking the highest point which usually are the shoulder blades or the top of the hips (head is in constant up-down movement so is not reliable)
The problem is, applying this to quad pokemons lead you in three different directions, too small (very smol), too big (enough to be used as a mount) and "okay".
Trying to get references from the anime doesn't help because is not consistent enough, size changes even if you consider the camera pov.

My bet is from paw to the top of the head and then play around with the size, of course as every other living thing size vary so you can add or take some centimeters, what do you guys think?

I'm asking this out of curiosity and because I always try to respect characters features when i'm drawing (just putting a different head over a generic body feels too lazy).

strikerman said:
Pokemon sizes are a bit of nonsense in general, so as long as you don't make a 50-foot Caterpie, any deviation from the 'norm' won't really look out of place.

Lurantis being 90 cm (2'11") blow my fucking mind, such a smol creature, funny enough the only time she appears in the anime is as a totem (?) thing so she is giant, in-game size also doesn't help. But yeah i agree as long as you don't get carried away it should be fine.

Pokemon sizes are never consistent, the anime used to follow the rule much stricter when it was in the early generations, but it's incredibly hard to follow the heights of 893 Pokemon these days. The game is also incredibly inconsistent, as they tend to make the models specific sizes so you can take into account what you're fighting, especially for how long the series had been, or has depending on how you view the Nintendo Switch, nigh handheld exclusive.

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