Topic: Tag Alias: Green -> Invalid_color

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Have you been tagging clothing colours? I've been tagging green_clothes, blue_clothes etc and they seem to be very rarely used.

Updated by anonymous

RenaKunisaki said:
Have you been tagging clothing colours? I've been tagging green_clothes, blue_clothes etc and they seem to be very rarely used.

I'd say tag *_clothes only if the clothing is a solid color, otherwise you get into nit-picking over a tiny sliver of a color on clothing.

Updated by anonymous

RenaKunisaki said:
Have you been tagging clothing colours? I've been tagging green_clothes, blue_clothes etc and they seem to be very rarely used.

If you are doing that, please make blue_clothing -> blue_cloths or Visa-versa

I have been doing blue_clothing and there is only 1 with blue_clothes.
Let me know what one you want for now on.

Updated by anonymous

While on the subject, we should set up a standard for colors to be used, so that no one argues over if it's eyes are purple or magenta or pink or offset red. There is a wiki on it already but maybe it needs better wording

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
While on the subject, we should set up a standard for colors to be used, so that no one argues over if it's eyes are purple or magenta or pink or offset red.

Clearly its eyes are Pantone 18-2021.

Updated by anonymous

RenaKunisaki said:
Have you been tagging clothing colours? I've been tagging green_clothes, blue_clothes etc and they seem to be very rarely used.

Nope, i think tagging clothing colors is just too overly specific to bother.

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
Nope, i think tagging clothing colors is just too overly specific to bother.

I agree for the MOST part. I think things like pink_panties or black_dress are better then, say, green_shirt or blue_pants.

But, if other people want to, go for it.

Updated by anonymous

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