Topic: Gay men\women: When did you find out you liked the same sex?

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Personally, I was a pretty late bloomer. Throughout my teen years I didn't have any interest in perusing girls. Nada. I also didn't really fancy guys at my school either. So throughout that time, I just considered myself ace.

Now, I knew I liked furry characters/petting zoo people/kemono, what have you. No idea why, I just thought they were so cool. Didn't really consider it a sexual thing. But when I was of age, I'd start spending some good "alone time" with some of these pictures. Pictures of female furs. A teen learning about unfamiliar feelings through a familiar medium (developing sexuality through drawings I thought were cool), nothing new there. And it felt good.

But it just didn't quite feel like 100%. I still wasn't interested in girls outside the drawings. Every once in awhile, I'd see a picture of a male fur that I kind of liked. In my head, it didn't seem sexual. Felt like I was just admiring some good art. Didn't get me up so to speak. But at the same time, something was captivating me. I felt like I could look at those pictures for hours, and never get bored. I tried doing sessions to these pictures, but my mind kept telling me "No, this is wrong" and "I'm not gay". So I could never really finish to them.

But one day, I stopped and said to myself, "Well Kriger7, you STILL don't like girls and you're 19 years old. Your voice is deeper than a lot of other guys', so there's no way you missed puberty. What if you actually ARE gay?" NO. STOP. I won't have it! But my inner voice had a point. So I gradually started allowing myself to try some sessions with those pictures. Once I was able to get the inner voices to shut up, things changed.

And my god, it felt amazing. Better than it did when I was looking at female pics. Over time, I gradually started looking at more male stuff, and less female stuff, until I pretty much was only looking at male stuff. I felt like I'd discovered what I really liked. But it still wasn't real to me. They were just drawings. And they weren't even human. I felt like something was wrong with me. I continued to call myself ace. I wrote it off as some weird fetish, and locked it away along with myself for a couple years.

I changed jobs and started working somewhere else. And as if out of a movie, I met a guy that was different. A guy that made me feel these weird feelings that I've never felt before. He looked just like the guys in the pictures. Only you know, human. It felt weird having my first crush at 21 years old, and God was it awkward. Every single trope there is about some nervous high school boy trying to get with some chick, I went through. Suddenly it all made sense. I got anxious around him. My heart would speed up around him. My hands would sweat. And by god, I was TERRIFIED of him! Now, all of a sudden, I finally understood what all the songs I'd heard about women were about. Cause now I actually knew what love and attraction felt like.

Equally long story short, it went pretty badly. He was straight, of course, and wanted nothing to do with me. Not even as friends, which oh God I still tried for. I did everything wrong. As anyone does when pursuing for the first time. And although it could've went worse, it still left me feeling lower than I could remember ever feeling. And that's the true determinator right there: The crazy highs and horrific lows I felt trying to win him over and get him to like me; I couldn't imagine ever feeling that for a woman. On that day I knew, for sure, that I was gay.

Fast forward to today, I'm 24 and feel quite comfortable with my sexuality. I'm out to pretty much anybody that asks (not to family, though, that'll be another time), I don't hold it against myself at all, and I'm finding all the little ways it even enriches my life and the people I've met and experiences I've gotten to share with others as well. I have to say I'm lucky to have been exposed to gay stuff and people within the furry fandom since I was young. They almost always show a positive portrayal of gay people/characters and show great acceptance/tolerance within the community. A welcome contrast from what the public can sometimes say about us. I really think it helped me through the process and I'm thankful for it to this day.

Tldr didn't suspect until I was 19, didn't really know until I was 21. And I'm a guy.

I am not gay, but I do like some femboy/girly *FURRY* male from time to time, I would say that about 10% to 20% of the pics I've favorited are femboy/girly. When did I find out I was into it? I would say not too far apart from when I knew I was into furry. Just to be clear, this only applies to furry, any R34 art from any human character is a turn off for me, it's weird, I know, the way I see it, furry girls and furry girly males are quite similar, so yeah. But in real life, I am 100% percent straight.

I always knew that I found females more attractive than males. It just took me a while to realize I was one. Whoops!

I had no sexual attraction towards girls or guys my age when I was growing up, yet somehow, I get sexual attraction to muscular manly men and voluptuous women, yet more leaning to muscular manly men.

I'm bi but I guess I can answer this. It probably started with post #813218 when I was 18 or 19. I thought the penis was appealing. At the time, I was pretty sure that this was an attraction that only applied to artwork and I still considered myself practically straight for the remainder of my time at university (what a waste...)

Then I started posted nudes on reddit, and I perused some of the content other guys were posting. Oh boy. There are some really beautiful penises out there. Also, ass is pretty much my favorite thing in the world and it was at this time I realized - hey, male ass is really nice too.

I still prefer the female figure, but the way I see it now, the sexes really aren't all that different. We're all human. Humans are sexy.

I was raised in a very tight conservative household. But, we all greatly appreciated ancient histories. My first taste of romance in a story format was the story of Achilles and Patrocles. So my earliest romantic influences were those crazy bisexual Greeks Haha. Over time I noticed that I preferred reading the more homosexually implied greek myths. As I grew older and developed... libido. I noticed that I didn't really find women all that sexually fascinating. Then I discovered the greek art books we had on the top shelf of our bookcase, needless to say the Greeks like painting and sculpting nude men, often embracing or in an implied relationship. That's what kinda sold me on my sexuality. Hot naked Greeks lol. I was like 15 when I fully accepted that I was gay.


tnshe said:
I'm bi but I guess I can answer this. It probably started with post #813218 when I was 18 or 19. I thought the penis was appealing. At the time, I was pretty sure that this was an attraction that only applied to artwork and I still considered myself practically straight for the remainder of my time at university (what a waste...)

Then I started posted nudes on reddit, and I perused some of the content other guys were posting. Oh boy. There are some really beautiful penises out there. Also, ass is pretty much my favorite thing in the world and it was at this time I realized - hey, male ass is really nice too.

I still prefer the female figure, but the way I see it now, the sexes really aren't all that different. We're all human. Humans are sexy.

So many ancient cultures appreciated the human body for how naturally artistic it is. It's kind of a shame the body is considered so taboo these days.

azero said:
I am not gay, but I do like some femboy/girly *FURRY* male from time to time, I would say that about 10% to 20% of the pics I've favorited are femboy/girly. When did I find out I was into it? I would say not too far apart from when I knew I was into furry. Just to be clear, this only applies to furry, any R34 art from any human character is a turn off for me, it's weird, I know, the way I see it, furry girls and furry girly males are quite similar, so yeah. But in real life, I am 100% percent straight.

This is the exact same for me

I was with a woman for a long time (8 years) but always knew I was Bi because of my attraction to furry males. After my wife left I decided to try it out with a good close male friend and found out I liked real life men too. Just trying my options

I think it started when I was 10 years old having discovered porn on good ol' Newgrounds. For some reason I found myself more attracted to the males than the females. However that didn't apply to real life. It wouldn't be until my mid teens that I would start wondering if I was bi. After stealing glances in the school pool locker room I was fairly certain I was bi. It wouldn't be until my last few years of high school that I'd come to realize I was gay. It took me several years to fully accept and come to terms with it to be open about it. My parents know and accept it but only my brother actually believes me cause my mom thinks I'm trans and I'm not. Though it's strange I'm gay for humans (though I like women in porn) and bi (male pref) for anthros. I am also a kinky switch. I can definitely confirm I'm gay because when I asked my boyfriend out I got so damn flustered I couldn't speak. I did the only thing a gay nerd could. I sent him a picture of the Amulet of Mara with a message professing my love to him. I have never met a woman that got me so flustered as he did. That man still gets me flustered 4 years later.

Make sure to include bisexual, that too involves realizing an interest in the same sex/gender.

I originally found some mini-board, might have been F-Chan? Had several categories which each held a very limited number of recent threads it could keep. I stuck around the dragon-based threads a bunch, and eventually learned of an artist I really enjoyed having an account on Yiffstar. After a while of keeping an eye on that artist's content, I learned they used to have a FurAffinity account, and soon realized that FurAffinity was far easier to navigate old art on, and then found the artist SkyShadow ( FA Link ). Up until then, I really only enjoyed female art, but since SkyShadow's art was primarily female anyways, I didn't mind taking a look at the male art that occasionally showed up, and over time, came to enjoy it in artwork.

Far more recently I came to realize that it does, slightly, extend to real persons, when somebody was willing to flirt with me. Highly flattering, and did set my mind thinking, but the interest wasn't strong enough to requite it.

I'm bi but I still think I can answer this question..

I had known for a while tbh, I wanna say I was like 13 when I really started getting feelings for male characters. I shrugged it off as being a phase though since I was only 13. Years later in 10th grade, I had a classmate that was gay, and at that very pretty. That was the nail in the coffin for me because at that point I realized I liked boys too.. lmao

I discovered the notion of being attracted to other men pretty young, really. The earliest example I can think back on was when I was probably about 9-10 and a football player where I lived showed me how to use the tackling dummy after I kept trying to push it in myself, with no knowledge of how. It was more about his easy confidence and the smile afterward that really stuck with me as I often think about it.

But I was probably about 13-14 where I could say with definitive confidence "I'm gay," after finally looking deeper into why I felt about other guys that way. Obviously, other guys my age were starting to mention their interest in girls and I felt out-of-place hearing those types of conversations.

I’m bi not gay, but I had my suspicions for a while. I remember in high school being jealous of bisexual people because they could date the hot guys and the hot girls. I also watched gay porn sometimes, but in my mind I told myself I was still straight because I was attracted to girls irl. I was in denial for a long time lol. Somehow it never clicked for me that I wasn’t straight until I formed a crush on my (straight) best friend in college.


gay male here, was a late bloomer too. sort of accidentally stumbled into masturbating by age 11, and my curiosity got the better of me. i was raised in a very conservative household, but i found a way. discovered my interest in furries and at about 12 and a half i actually started viewing furry porn. over a span of about, ehh, 8 months? i slowly transitioned into getting off to the guy stuff, because i found it easier. somehow, my fundamentalist brainwashed self determined that it was not gay, and that i was not gay, and that there was no possible chance so i shouldnt even consider it an option. a year later, i joined a friend group to do some dnd, and turned out everyone else there was queer (no surprise) and that was like the frist time i actually realized that gay people are real and not something far away and distant (i grew up in the southern u.s, so there weren't exactly nonbinary folk frolicking down every street in town). i still remained in denial for a long while, until about two weeks into quarantine. laying on the couch, 10pm, completely and utterly bored, just thinking about our place in the universe. then i just realized "wait a minute, i'm gay" and it all made sense. so yeah. i have a boyfriend now and life is good :)

I found out I was into other girls pretty early on. After my father took my voice I started to distrust men, and living in an extremely religious town only made it worse, a lot of the folks see me as a freak or a monster because of my size & guys used to take advantage of me just so that they could brag to their friends they "laid the demon of Lee". Growing up the highschool kids often pushed me down and took turns carving insults into me with pen knives or sharp stones. At first I came out as gay just to spite them & their beliefs, but over the years I have found I truly do prefer other women. Not sure if this counts, but that's how I found out.
I apologize if I said too much, I have a habit of going overboard when I talk. I'm told its a side effect of suppressing my emotions too much for so many years

So my story is not one of the lucky ones. Childhood was horrible. From around the age of 11 I was bullied at school and to this day I don't know why. It seems to me that it was not there. And it wasn't just a few people, but almost half the class, mostly boys. Unfortunately, with some of them I went to the next school (middle school). I didn't have to wait long for new torturers. In total, it all took 6 years. Unfortunately, I wasn't beaten so I didn't have bruises for anyone to notice. You are probably wondering why I didn't say anything to anyone? Well about that another time.
In my free time, which I did not have much due to tutoring (my parents were pushing to study and I was doing it on average) I always hung out with a couple of my friends playing soccer. There were always many more boys than girls around me, but I realized it about six months ago.

In college, I felt truly free. I met wonderful people there. One day I joined the chess club (my hobby) and that's how I met... let's call him W3H7. He was a little older student who taught me. One day we went to the club (there were supposed to be more of us, but it just so happened that we went together). He danced great, I had a good time talking to him, and a few months later we went to a chess competition which lasted 7 days, we had a good time, we were drinking alcohol. He was also handsome and attractive. He was the only guy I wanted more with. Unfortunately, I realized it when he had already left for another country and contact with him ceased. Anyway, from one of our conversations I concluded that he prefers girls but who knows maybe he would give me a chance?

Why am I writing this?
It all sticks together into one whole. These events in my life, my thoughts, watching gay porn all tell me I'm gay. But this thought was and is being displaced by me. I am 24 years old now. My family is conservative and believer. I cannot tell them that I am gay that would literally cause someone in my family to die!
I know what you are thinking now. Yes, I had such thoughts. Because I prefer something bad to happen to me than to my family. For this reason, I cannot afford to look for a boyfriend. What if someone recognized me, and even if not, I would have to hide all my life and this poses a threat that my boyfriend would not be able to withstand it and ... and I just can't ...

The fact that I can't be myself makes me feel like I'm suffocating every day and everyone around says don't breathe, you can do it, we believe in you. I am slowly running out of oxygen and no one can see what is happening to me. The family seems to give a shit about the fact that I have never introduced them to any girl, for a gentle pessimistically exploring the area. Is it possible that I have become such a good actor over the years?

What I wrote here is the most personal thing I have done in my entire life. I have never spoken these words to anyone but for some reason unknown to me I am writing them here.


Not exactly gay, more just bisexual.

Kinda just happened over time, though I wont fuck a guy who is like me or something, I have my preferences, but I have found a interest in the idea of fucking and being fucked as I just kept looking at porn, nothing really special about it other than the fact that I still gotta have a feminine partner if I was to do anything, even if I was the submissive one in a relationship.

I am weird.

goingcold4284_disc said:
Not exactly gay, more just bisexual.

Kinda just happened over time, though I wont fuck a guy who is like me or something, I have my preferences, but I have found a interest in the idea of fucking and being fucked as I just kept looking at porn, nothing really special about it other than the fact that I still gotta have a feminine partner if I was to do anything, even if I was the submissive one in a relationship.

I am weird.

I don't think that's weird. I was basically the same way when I was a teenager. Though, now that I'm a bit older, I've grown to enjoy men with a bit more meat on them as well.

As for when I found out, I can't really say. I remember liking both boys and girls back when I was as young as six, and it never struck me as unusual until I got into middle school.

Not gay, but bi, and let me tell you that you start to know when you see hentai and start thinking how the dick would feel on your mouth rather than focusing on the price.

Also being curious with your neighbour when you were kids doesnt help much ;)

Also ehen you start evaluating porn for the guys dick instread of the girls butt/pussy

The furry part tho, i wouldnt have thought of that until a couple of years back, and god damn it that Eipril bath animation was too good to ignore LMAOO


turns out i don't actually have an orientation, I just don't like humans.

edit: i can tolerate them, but just that. they neither cause a feeling of enticement nor of disturbance.


I think that it is ok to be gay, it is quite common and even i have a lot of gay couple friends who are actually quite happy with each other. And morevoer i support them. I know hard it was for them to find each other through different apps and now i'm just happy for them that they are finally can just be together and be happy that's all. I'm not a fan or smth. i just understand them and that is the whole story


grekko said:
I think that it is ok to be gay, it is quite common and even i have a lot of gay couple friends

Half of the furry fandom is LGBT, nobody here is going to disagree with that. I'm not sure why you necro'd this thread.

My answer is also furry porn.

crocogator said:
I'm not sure why you necro'd this thread

Is 4 months already necroing? I think it just a little dusty at this point.

Edit: Ok reopening the thread, for this answer, is kinda unnecessary.


azero said:
I am not gay, but I do like some femboy/girly *FURRY* male from time to time, I would say that about 10% to 20% of the pics I've favorited are femboy/girly. When did I find out I was into it? I would say not too far apart from when I knew I was into furry. Just to be clear, this only applies to furry, any R34 art from any human character is a turn off for me, it's weird, I know, the way I see it, furry girls and furry girly males are quite similar, so yeah. But in real life, I am 100% percent straight.

Sounds kind of like you're Bi leaning towards straight, no offense intended of course, just trying to interpret what you said

These are all very interesting reads to me as a straight guy. I've always thought it was awkward to ask my gay friends this question.

I consider myself pan and it started with girls, and then I found girls with an extra appendage, and then femboys were just an extension from there.
It was around that middle part where I decided that I was 100% a bottom.

there were little hints of it throughout my life, but due to many factors, I pushed any idea of it away, denying it at every turn, even coming up with excuses why hermaphroditic women being so exciting to me when I discovered them wasn't gay because they were female... in my late 20s, i discovered this site... i think some images played a part in pushing me in the right direction, but then one night, while high, a friend of mine online was flirting with me, as he normally did, and I just went with it. it felt right. I freaked out a bit at first, but after sorting the facts out with myself, I realized that this was me, and this is what I had been denying to myself for years... since then, I have fully embraced myself, and it feels great~

I’m bi, but I guess I’ll answer anyway. Depending on how you look at it, the realization that I am also attracted to males was either very slow or very fast. I’d been looking at male-centered porn for years (along with female-centered) while still considering myself purely straight, but the actual realization was very fast—there was no agonizing, just “oh wait, I’m bi”.

I have had two relationships in my soon 35 year life (with women), the latest ended in September 2012.
2015 i tried with a male friend, he was curious and so was i.
And that was nice but was it a little hard for me to relax.
I havent had a sexual encounter of any kind after that and i don´t miss it either (i´m more cuddlebug than sexbug anyway)

And i have a friend who is Trans and asexual that i find very atractive, i´m gonna tell him one day when i have the courage to do so.
So i guess i´m Pan/Bi/Ace in one hell of a strange mix.

I have realized that as far relationships go, as long as it is the right one i dont care what said someone have between the legs.

Around 8-12, about the time I noticed I really wanted to kiss my best-friend. (Never did.)

Not long later, my mom went on a rant how it's wrong girls to kiss each other and I've been drowning in neurosis ever since.

For me it just kinda slipped in. I lived in a abusive household for the first twety-six years of my life, and it resulted in never really forming a strong sense of self or identity.

For example I could wake up the opposite sex, or an amorphous ball of energy tomorrow and not really view myself differently. Just a conciouness in a body. Any body.

As a result, the straight, gay or bi question just never came up. Someday I just kinda noticed the dudes in the straight porn I was consuming were as inoffensive as the women, and unlocked as a choice. Call it a trade off to a horrible situation.

That tolernce lead me to question whom and whom not I was attracted to physically speaking. It turns out most body types (fantasy and alien ones included) were interesting to me. Sapience and personality seem the only requirements IRL.

I consider myself broadly-xenophilic pansexual these days.


dubsthefox said:
My answer is also furry porn.
Is 4 months already necroing? I think it just a little dusty at this point.

Edit: Ok reopening the thread, for this answer, is kinda unnecessary.

Honestly, I'm thankful things like these get resurrected. It's not like people would likely repost their stories so they'd be lost to time. Never really got why timeless threads shouldn't be necro'd, seems like a waste.

It's kinda complicated because i've gone back and forth with my sexuality a lot throughout my life. When I was really young (early primary) I heard that liking your own gender was "gay" and in my mind knew that I was "guilty" of it since I had liked looking at the naked men in my mom's art books before. But then I grew a little and me and my brother discovered porn, and since it was through him, I guess I thought I needed to "ungay" myself by looking at straight porn. Wasn't long before I had to accept that I was just into guys. All of my other questionings were if I was actually just bi or ace, but theyre not as interesting.

novalix said:
I found out I was into other girls pretty early on. After my father took my voice I started to distrust men, and living in an extremely religious town only made it worse, a lot of the folks see me as a freak or a monster because of my size & guys used to take advantage of me just so that they could brag to their friends they "laid the demon of Lee". Growing up the highschool kids often pushed me down and took turns carving insults into me with pen knives or sharp stones. At first I came out as gay just to spite them & their beliefs, but over the years I have found I truly do prefer other women. Not sure if this counts, but that's how I found out.
I apologize if I said too much, I have a habit of going overboard when I talk. I'm told its a side effect of suppressing my emotions too much for so many years

Jesus Christ some people can be so fucking dispicable. I'm so sorry you went through all of that. That's awful. I totally understand your distrust of men even though I am one. I am not a piece of shit though some people like to refer to me as one. I may be a total stranger and this might not mean a damn thing to you but you are valid in my eyes. You are a living being with feelings and intelligence and deserve to be treated with respect. I accept you as you are. You are you. You are a person. I am happy to lend an ear if you ever need to talk. I won't tell a soul.

cypress_cat said:
Around 8-12, about the time I noticed I really wanted to kiss my best-friend. (Never did.)

Not long later, my mom went on a rant how it's wrong girls to kiss each other and I've been drowning in neurosis ever since.

Reminds me of how my boyfriend's mother went into hysterics when he told her he was bi. It caused us to not be able to talk for awhile. Eventually he snapped on them and chewed them out and got them to cut the bullshit.

sexygaydragon said:
Reminds me of how my boyfriend's mother went into hysterics when he told her he was bi. It caused us to not be able to talk for awhile. Eventually he snapped on them and chewed them out and got them to cut the bullshit.

Wow, that's actually one of the nicer scenarios. (sorry, didn't see the notification.)

cypress_cat said:
Wow, that's actually one of the nicer scenarios. (sorry, didn't see the notification.)

I may have misremembered slightly. What actually caused us to not be able to talk for awhile was his mother breaching his privacy and reading his messages on his ps4 while he was afk. She saw one from me referring to myself as his boyfriend. We had to keep it on the DL or he'd get kicked out.

sexygaydragon said:
I may have misremembered slightly. What actually caused us to not be able to talk for awhile was his mother breaching his privacy and reading his messages on his ps4 while he was afk. She saw one from me referring to myself as his boyfriend. We had to keep it on the DL or he'd get kicked out.

Yeesh. Did she ever end up apologizing, or was she hopeless?

I've always been interested in women. Booba = hot. Then I realized I'm trans and that I didn't just wanna touch booba, I wanted booba of my own. I thought I had to like dudes to be a "real trans person" for about a year, but thankfully I got out of that mentality once my first straight relationship post transition quickly fell apart

cypress_cat said:
Yeesh. Did she ever end up apologizing, or was she hopeless?

Never appologized but he ended up snapping on his parents and they seem to have chilled out.

Wow my story is actually pretty simple and kinda funny in comparison to some of the other ones here. One night when I was 15 I decided to look up porn. It's not like I was afraid to or had something against porn. I was just never interested enough to do so. I never really had any sort of sexual or romantic feelings towards anyone. The first thing I did was check if I was gay so I looked up naked men and was really into that. I then decided to see if I was bi so I looked up naked women and couldn't get into it so I accepted I was just gay. I guess i'm lucky that I never had a problem with people's sexuality.

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