Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: yuki_(evov1) -> evov1

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Please provide a reason. What seems self-evident to you may not be to someone else, and it's a shame your alias and implication requests could net you another negative record when they needn't.

As for this implication, I'm guessing it's because yuki_(evov1) is a character of artist evov1. An understandable implication considering that characters such as ariel_(disney) (for example) are implicated to owner tags like disney. However,disney is a copyright tag whereas evov1 is an artist tag.

We shouldn't implicate an artist's characters to their artist tag. Other artists can draw yuki_(evov1) and their pictures would not be tagged with evov1. In this case, the _(evov1) part of the character tag is sufficient to show ownership, but if not, a note can be put in the character tag's wiki.

Of course, if I didn't correctly guess why you made this implication request, that's why you put in a reason.

strikerman said:
this user never puts a reason. no point trying to convince them at this point

I know, but sometimes you just have to tilt at some windmills for formality's sake.

-1 : Oh... Can't do much about the OP

Now, Do you think we need a feature/rule that
"Reason(s) must be given for making a topic"? [ Prohibit making a topic without saying something about why ]

(( I really thought about making that request... ))


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